How to extrude, intrude and expand with aligners reliably 8 MINUTE SUMMARY
Join me for a summary looking into
difficult movements with aligners, why they are difficult, and a protocol
derived from research on how to manage tooth movements with aligners. This
lecture was given by Bill Layman at this year’s AAO, where he describes maxillary
incisor extrusion, posterior intrusion, and controlled expansion.
Rate of refinement: 2.5 per
patient Kravitz 2022
41% of aligner cases 3
refinements +
Switch to fixed appliances from
aligners 1 in 6 Kravitz 2022
Staging and synergistic movements can reduce
refinement rates
Incisor extrusion
Why is Incisor extrusion difficult?
Lack of undercut
Sqeeze teeth to engage, creating
opposite effect due to V shape of a tooth – leading to loss of retention of the
Interproximal binding through vertical
contact point overlap or slipped contact points and a closed system of aligners
Incisor extrusion staging steps:
Create undercut: Horizontal
attachments are most effective, regardless of design Groody 2023
Create 0.1mm between teeth to
relieve interproximal binding
First procline the incisors to
increase surface contact
Then Extrude and retract
Posterior intrusion
Why is it difficult?
Multiple teeth and lack of anchorage,
through anterior teeth
Crowns tip mesially during
intrusion as an unwanted effect
What happens when we intrude:
Mesial tipping of posterior
teeth Fan 2022 Finite element
Buccal and palatal attachments
= less tipping buccal or lingual
How to improve posterior intrusion
Sequential intrusion – 1st
Tip posterior teeth 5-10 degrees
Horizontal attachment buccal /
Consider attachment lingual
Upper molars
Sequential intrusion
TADs not always needed, 5200 times
bite on hard surface, enables posterior intrusion through masticatory forces
Controlled expansion
Why is it difficult
Aligners tip teeth buccally =
creates occlusal interferences
Lack of rigidity of tray to
exert forces = straight finish trays increase rigidity
Attempting to correct skeletal
problems with dental solution
Greatest expansion in the premolar
Expansion from the research
showed progressive less posterior expansion
Molars expand less due to
anchorage loss
Expansion through tipping
How to improve posterior intrusion
Plan around premolar expansion
Expect 70% in premolar region,
55% molar and 46% canine
Overcorrection of canines 1.7mm
(premolar region 3.4mm) Zhou 2020
Maximum expansion seen is 4mm
Incisor extrusion: procline
teeth with attachment, then extrude and retract
Include iPR
Posterior intrusion: Start with
premolars and sequentially intrude posterior teeth
Add distal tip
Controlled expansion: Effective
in premolar region
Plan with overcorrection
Jay Bowman
“If you don’t build-in
overcorrections you can’t get corrections”
“there many things that need
improvement at the end that aren’t hard to do if start treatment with the
overcorrections in mind”
Shanyah Kapour
and produced: Farooq Ahmed