IAM's New Strategic Plan, with Carl and Brian (S2 E17)
IAM's Carl Weaver and Brian Limperopulos discuss IAM's new Strategic Plan, what it means, and how it is bringing IAM's internal efforts, as well of that of the Board, in line with each other. they also discuss the association's new mission and vision statements. This is a great step and clearly outlines what projects and efforts we are to work on. Carl's comment: A strategic plan, coupled with mission and vision statements, gives a clear guide for what should be done. In short, if we can examine the intended outcome of projects and efforts and see how they support the plan and statements. If they do not, we really need to rethink why we are doing it.
This seems like a simple and straightforward line of reasoning, and it is, but getting to this place took a long time and a lot of effort, starting with an evaluation of why we are here and what values we want to uphold and inculcate to others in the industry. It is a long process, and in this case, a fruitful one.