You Provided a Service - Now Make Sure You Get Paid (S3 E3)
Note: This is a rehash of an IAM Learning session from back in February of this year. As we looked through our archives, it struck us that there is so much great content there, and we don't do enough with it. So here it is again.
Every day, your company provides services for a fellow IAM Member. In almost every case, your company is paid and everyone is happy. But what happens when you don’t get paid?
One of the most valuable benefits IAM provides is the Receivable Protection Program - A service designed to resolve delayed or defaulted payments between members. Whether IAM intervenes with another member to get you paid, notifies you of which IAM members are not paying invoices, or reimburses you for bad debts owed by defaulting members, the RPP delivers considerable value – more than $200 per member annually.
We encourage you to join us for this interactive conversation to learn more about the program and how we can improve it for each of you.