DiscoverFeel Better. Live Free. | Healthy Weight Loss & Wellness for Midlife WomenIf Only I Had Known: All the Things I Wish I Could Go Back and Tell Myself As I Was Starting My Weight Loss Journey
If Only I Had Known: All the Things I Wish I Could Go Back and Tell Myself As I Was Starting My Weight Loss Journey

If Only I Had Known: All the Things I Wish I Could Go Back and Tell Myself As I Was Starting My Weight Loss Journey

Update: 2024-06-03


Ruth Sukup, founder of Thinlicious, reflects on her weight loss journey and shares six things she wishes she knew when starting. She emphasizes the importance of patience, acknowledging that sustained weight loss takes time and doesn't happen in a straight line. She also highlights the anger she felt upon realizing the weight loss industry's misinformation and the importance of documenting the beginning of one's journey to track progress. Sukup stresses the value of consistency over perfection, encouraging listeners to make the best possible choices in any given situation. She emphasizes that the journey is not just about weight loss but about freedom, both physically and emotionally. Finally, she acknowledges the importance of finding a supportive community, as not everyone will understand or be supportive of one's health journey. Sukup encourages listeners to join Thinlicious, a program she created to help people transform their health and find freedom.



This Chapter introduces the topic of the podcast episode, which focuses on sharing insights and lessons learned from Ruth Sukup's weight loss journey and the experiences of her clients. The episode celebrates the one-year anniversary of the podcast and the two-year anniversary of launching Thinlicious.

Ruth's Personal Journey and the Importance of Patience

This Chapter delves into Ruth's personal struggles with weight loss and her realization that a different approach was needed. She emphasizes the importance of patience and understanding that sustained weight loss takes time and doesn't happen in a straight line. She shares her experience with initial fast success followed by a slowdown in progress and the importance of focusing on long-term results rather than daily fluctuations.

The Anger of Realizing the Truth

This Chapter explores the anger Ruth felt upon discovering the misinformation surrounding weight loss and the realization that the weight loss industry, government, doctors, media, big food, and big pharma have been perpetuating harmful practices. She shares the story of a client who experienced similar anger and frustration with the lack of accurate information about health and weight loss.

Documenting Your Journey and the Power of Consistency

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of documenting the beginning of one's health journey, including taking before pictures and establishing a baseline of health metrics. Ruth shares the experiences of her clients who wish they had documented their starting point and the benefits of tracking progress. She also highlights the importance of consistency over perfection, encouraging listeners to make the best possible choices in any given situation and focus on long-term results.


Thinlicious is a program created by Ruth Sukup to help people transform their health and find freedom. It focuses on a holistic approach to weight loss, addressing hormones, gut health, and mindset. The program includes practical tools, physician-led education, ongoing support, coaching, and accountability.

Weight Loss Journey
This refers to the process of losing weight and improving overall health. It often involves changes in diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits. The journey can be challenging and requires patience, consistency, and support.

Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. This can lead to high blood sugar levels and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems.

Gut Health
Gut health refers to the state of the microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. These microorganisms play a crucial role in digestion, immunity, and overall health. A healthy gut is essential for optimal well-being.

Hormonal Balance
Hormonal balance refers to the optimal levels of hormones in the body. Hormones play a vital role in regulating various bodily functions, including metabolism, mood, and sleep. Imbalances in hormones can lead to a range of health issues.

Mindset Shift
A mindset shift refers to a change in one's thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. It involves challenging negative or limiting beliefs and adopting a more positive and empowering perspective. A mindset shift is crucial for achieving long-term success in any area of life, including weight loss.

Supportive Community
A supportive community refers to a group of people who provide encouragement, understanding, and accountability. Having a supportive community can be invaluable for navigating challenges and staying motivated on a health journey.


  • What are some of the key things Ruth Sukup wishes she knew when starting her weight loss journey?

    Ruth wishes she had known that sustained weight loss takes time and doesn't happen in a straight line, that the weight loss industry often provides misinformation, the importance of documenting her starting point, the value of consistency over perfection, that the journey is about freedom, and the importance of finding a supportive community.

  • Why does Ruth emphasize the importance of patience in weight loss?

    Ruth emphasizes patience because she experienced initial fast success followed by a slowdown in progress. She learned that focusing on long-term results rather than daily fluctuations is crucial for avoiding frustration and staying motivated.

  • What is the significance of documenting the beginning of one's health journey?

    Documenting the beginning of one's journey, including taking before pictures and establishing a baseline of health metrics, allows for tracking progress and seeing the improvements that may not be evident just by looking at the scale. It can also serve as a motivator during challenging times.

  • How does Ruth define the weight loss journey?

    Ruth believes the weight loss journey is not just about losing weight but about gaining freedom, both physically and emotionally. She emphasizes that transforming one's health can lead to increased energy, a positive mindset shift, and a sense of empowerment.

  • Why is a supportive community important for a health journey?

    A supportive community provides encouragement, understanding, and accountability, which can be invaluable for navigating challenges and staying motivated. It can also help individuals feel less alone in their journey and find strength in numbers.

Show Notes

Do you ever wish you could travel back in time and give yourself a little advice?

I do, especially when I think about how much time and energy I wasted doing all the wrong things, or about how many mistakes I made, and how much frustration I could have avoided, had I only known THEN what I know now.

And while there's a part of me that understands that sometimes we just need to learn things the hard way, I also think there's something incredibly valuable about sharing those lessons, those mistakes, and those reflections in the hope that someone else can learn from them.

And maybe, just maybe, your journey will be a little easier as a result.

And that's why in today's episode, as we celebrate our one year anniversary of this podcast and our two year anniversary of launching Thinlicious into the world, I thought it would be fun to take a look back and share some of the biggest things not only I wish I would have known as I was starting my weight loss journey, but also the things our most successful clients wish they would have known as well.

And whether you're just getting started on your health and weight loss journey, or you're well on you're way, I guarantee this episode is going to inspire you, encourage you, and motivate you to make those lasting changes in your own life.

Are you ready to lose weight and heal your body for life (without dieting, drugs, or making yourself miserable)?

Our free on-demand video training will walk you through how to make this THE year you set health goals…and keep them. Access our free video training HERE.

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If Only I Had Known: All the Things I Wish I Could Go Back and Tell Myself As I Was Starting My Weight Loss Journey

If Only I Had Known: All the Things I Wish I Could Go Back and Tell Myself As I Was Starting My Weight Loss Journey