In-Betweener 5: Blooper Reel!
Hello Listeners!
You're probably wondering "where did last Thursday's episode go?".
Well, there wasn't one.
We're taking a short hiatus here at Cartoonin' In. All is well and we should be back soon.
In the meantime, have another episode of us being morons! These are almost all of our mistakes and weird tangents that we've been saving since December.
We hope you enjoy.
And if you're looking for more Cartoonin' In action, check out out instagram page!
We're currently doing an 'Our Very Important Opinions Challenge' over there, where every day Aly & Sarrah answer a question about their favourite soundtrack, character, fashion choice, etc from animated films. Not just the ones we've covered, and not just Disney! Check it out over on our social media and tell us YOUR very important opinions!
We'll be back soon.
So please enjoy our unedited stupidity :)