Independent vs. Critical Thinking, Open-Mindedness and Constructive Dialogue Ft. Dr. Bagus Muljadi
Dr. Bagus Muljadi (PhD) is an Assistant Professor of Engineering at the University of Nottingham. His expertise lies at the interface between applied mathematics, physics, and engineering, with applications in geothermal, bio-architecture, semiconductor, peatland, and others involving flow in complex geometries. He also facilitates partnerships between UK and Indonesian higher education + research institutions. Through the UK-Indonesia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Sciences (UKICIS), Dr. Muljadi is helping the UK and Indonesia governments manifest stronger collaborations in research and innovation.
0:00 — Precision in different languages (German vs. Indonesian)
02:36 — The role of the professor, wokeness infiltrating academia, and what are 'safe spaces' actually supposed to be?
16:03 — Progressivism vs. Liberalism & not putting your politics into boxes. What is the difference between Independent thinking vs. Critical thinking? Learning not to view antithesis as antagonization. Why do liberal values come much more naturally to some cultures compared to others?
22:18 — Sponsorship | Jalinstraksi
24:24 — Thesis vs. Antithesis in critical thinking
35:00 — Nationalism vs. Globalism, 'The Walled Garden' analogy by Professor Bagus. How do we get Indonesia on the international stage?
46:00 — Continuing to VIP Section
51:21 — More on Critical thinking vs. Independent thinking. Can independent thinking exist within a collective societal structure? Being individualists on a macro scale, being collectivist on a micro scale, rights & responsibilities being reciprocal
01:14:41 — Is independent thinking antithetical to social cohesion?
01:20:18 — How do we avoid being trapped in echo chambers on social media, and use it as a tool of exposure and perspective-taking? How to tell when people's political understanding is just whatever is trending on social media.
01:32:40 — Culture & accents, does Bagus get dogpiled on by people in the U.K for being more American accented?
01:39:27 — Comedians, the courage to tell the truth, more on how do we avoid being trapped in echo chambers on social media, and the importance of narratives & counter-narratives