Insider Tips for Making a 6-Figure Living as an Amazon Indie Author With Marc Reklau
This week, I caught up with a highly successful Amazon indie author. His name is Marc Reklau. He's from Germany but lives in Budapest, Hungary.
Marc got into the self-publishing game about ten years ago, when selling books on platforms like Amazon was much easier. He writes about personal development, self-help and covers topics like productivity, happiness, habits, and money.
He also uses Amazon ads prolifically to sell copies of his non-fiction books. Believe it or not, he's had a huge success selling books translated into different languages, specifically Spanish.
I was fascinated to hear about Marc's approach – firstly, to writing his books and, secondly, to promoting them via Amazon ads.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Marc's process for promoting his work
- Translating your books into different languages
- Marc's insights into self-publishing
Marc's website
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