Interview with MP Patrick Weiler
Yes, it’s been a while since we have released an episode, but these are unprecedented times. We are all now familiar with using technology to communicate and we figured “Hey, this should make things a lot easier!”
And what a way to kick things off but getting our MP Patrick Weiler on the record about all the stuff happening right now.
Alas, producing this episode wasn’t like riding a bike; the tablet we use for interviews was smashed by a child only to find out when setting up to record (in another location since said child and sibling are never quiet), the tablet turned on and seemed to work only to shut down mid-interview, and you’ll notice it half way through. A big thanks to Patrick for putting up with the gear issues and for the patience to stay online, so once MacGyvering the rig was done, we reconnected and finished the interview.
(Up next we will be interviewing local UFC fighter Cole Smith and everything should be 100% for that!)