DiscoverBest Gun Dogs podcastInterview with Mr. James Hamm The correct way to house break.
Interview with Mr. James Hamm The correct way to house break.

Interview with Mr. James Hamm The correct way to house break.

Update: 2019-04-01


Today I had the opportunity to speak with Mr. James Hamm

James is a retired United States Army Command Sergeant Major who served 30 years on Active Duty.  He worked around the world in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia, Colombia, Panama, Italy and German holding leadership positions for 25 years where he focused his efforts on communicating, planning and training to achieve success with Soldiers, Civilians and Dogs.  
He directed K9 and kennel operations in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2007 to 2011 training and supporting Military Working Dogs for the United States, Germany, Sweden, Croatia and Norway in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.  His civilian canine training comes from the International School for Dog Trainers where he served and studied under Martin Deeley, an internationally renowned gundog and pet dog trainer from England who is the Co- Founder and  Executive Director of the International Association of Canine Professionals ( along with Pat Trichter.  He earned  certifications in E-Touch,  basic and advanced Pet Dog Training and basic and advanced Gun Dog Training while working countless working dogs and pet dogs under Martin and Pat's instruction.


James was gracious enough to share some of his method in housebreaking and socializing a young dog properly! He helps us set up our homes for success this is a must listen for every dog owner! The amount of knowledge James shares is outstanding.


  • Learn why structure is so important.
  • What are the signals I need to watch for with my puppy while potty training
  • How to develop a calm dog
  • How I can use feeding time as a learning time
  • Much Much More








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Interview with Mr. James Hamm The correct way to house break.

Interview with Mr. James Hamm The correct way to house break.

Best Gun Dogs