Introducing 3 Unconscious Filters - NLP Matters, Episode #041
As we continue our exploration of the workings of the human mind, we can see why learning the NLP Model of Communication can assist us to apply our knowledge to create change, growth, and new behaviours.
In this episode, we’ll begin to look at the unconscious filters which sift through the incoming sensory data we experience as we continually construct our reality and our relationships with others.
In the NLP Model of Communication there are seven unconscious filters that are key to how we as humans select the information/data we focus on in our external environment - time/space/matter/energy (that’s all one filter), language, memories, decisions, metaprograms, values and beliefs, and attitudes.
In this episode, we will explore how the first 3 filters - Time/ Space / Matter /Energy, language, and our memories impact our perception and the construction of our map of reality.
Listen to the podcast to find out more.
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