DiscoverWork AppropriateIs A Good Boss Too Much To Ask For? with Melissa & Johnathan Nightingale
Is A Good Boss Too Much To Ask For? with Melissa & Johnathan Nightingale

Is A Good Boss Too Much To Ask For? with Melissa & Johnathan Nightingale

Update: 2023-10-04


We wanted to tackle some of the most complicated management questions that listeners sent in, so host Anne Helen Petersen turned to our favorite management experts, Melissa & Johnathan Nightingale of the Raw Signal Group. Whether you’re suffering from micromanaging, a boss who loves to hear himself talk, or way too much work in too few hours-- we’ve got some suggestions.

  • Listen to Melissa's fantastic advice on our previous episodes, "May I Speak to the Manager?" and "How to Be A Better Boss"
  • Need advice about a sticky situation at work? Head to and tell us about it-- we may use your question in a future episode!
  • Follow @CrookedMedia on Instagram and Twitter for more original content, host takeovers and other community events.
Comments (2)

Joe A. Finley II

Let's be real: in Ania's [sp.] case, "... or we'll find another place for you in the company" is ABSOLUTELY corporate-speak for DEMOTION!

Aug 29th

Joe A. Finley II

Astrid sounds like a typical whiny younger Millennial or Gen-Zer. "Oh my God, I have to TALK to people?!" Shout out to the dynamic duo, in an episode about management deficiencies, victim-blaming the EMPLOYEE here! As a Xennial who supervises DOZENS of Boomers and Gen-Xers, I know it sounds weird to the younger crowd, but they still like to actually TALK to people, to have a HUMAN connection--not answer 800 e-mails and text messages.

Aug 29th








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Is A Good Boss Too Much To Ask For? with Melissa & Johnathan Nightingale

Is A Good Boss Too Much To Ask For? with Melissa & Johnathan Nightingale

anne helen petersen, melissa nightingale, johnathan nightingale