DiscoverScared To DeathIs Dorothy Home?
Is Dorothy Home?

Is Dorothy Home?

Update: 2024-02-215


Dan has a murder-mystery-nightmare double header this week. I have a murder mystery double feature. The story of a woman harassed by a psychopath, both before AND after her death, was she not harassed by a psychopath, but something else? The second story is another report of a young woman being murdered under strange circumstances regarding her possible killer, and allegations of a haunting that has followed her death. Then Lynze has three tales this week! Her first involves a creepy visitor to an Air BnB in the middle of nowhere. Next up, an unexplained encounter with who-knows-what during a very private moment. And then wrapping up the episode, our fan story takes us back to the Pennhurst Asylum. 

Scholarship: Round two of The Cummins Family Scholarship Fund, presented by Bad Magic is here! Sort of. Bad Magic fans can begin applying for 1 of 4, $5,000 scholarships as of March 6th. Applications are due by April 24th.  We are excited to increase the number of scholarships from 3 to 4 this year. Thank you to each and every Patreon member who has helped make this happen!  You can visit and clink the Scholarship banner to be linked over to Scholarship America for the application! Easy peasy! You can also go to for all of this info! 

Monthly Patreon Donation: As you all know by now, we LOVE the city of New Orleans, it’s a place that has touched our souls and place that we love to spend time in. One of our favorite places there is Preservation Hall- it’s small, intimate, musical experience like nothing else in the world. Through their foundation, they aim to protect, preserve and perpetuate New Orleans music and culture through music education. Supporting them, supporting musicians, supporting history and tradition are all things that matter to us. And, Tyler Sea also loved this place so for the month of February and in honor of Tyler moving on from Bad Magic, we will be donating to the Preservation Hall foundation- it checks a lot of boxes for us! We are donating $12,930 to Preservation Hall and putting $1,430 into the scholarship fund.

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Video/Audio by Bad Magic Productions/Logan Ray Keith

Opening Sumerian protection spell (adapted):

"Whether thou art a ghost that hath come from the earth, or a phantom of night that hath no home… or one that lieth dead in the desert… or a ghost unburied… or a demon or a ghoul… Whatever thou be until thou art removed… thou shalt find here no water to drink… Thou shalt not stretch forth thy hand to our own… Into our house enter thou not. Through our fence, breakthrough thou not… we are protected though we may be frightened. Our life you may not steal, though we may feel SCARED TO DEATH."

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Is Dorothy Home?

Is Dorothy Home?

Logan Ray Keith, Dan Cummins