Is Lindz Amer the Queer Mister Rogers?
Lindz Amer opens a whole universe of queer representation in children's media that not only entertains but educates. We're painting a vibrant narrative as we explore the rise of LGBTQ+ representation in children's books and how Lindz storytelling, interwoven with queer theory, helps children understand complex topics like gender identity.
The Huffington Post calls Queer Kid Stuff a “groundbreaking YouTube educational resource.” The series is a haven for LGBTQ+ children's literature that celebrates storytelling and queer content. It's not all rainbows and unicorns though; we'll confront the challenges that come with creating such content, such as resource constraints. And we briefly touch on the dark side of harassment. Lindz also discusses the Rainbow Parenting, their book for parents and allies to understand LGBTQ+ children, and their upcoming picture book Hooray for She, He, Ze, and They!
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Transcripts and more on the Queer We Are podcast website.
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