Is Motherhood A Spiritual Practice: Part 1
This episode is part 1 of a 2-part conversation that will be shared in the exploration of the topic “Is Motherhood a spiritual practice?”
Throughout season one, you have heard us unpack some of the basic tenants of spiritual practices in our own lives. These are not exhaustive and to be honest, they barely scratch the surface of the Contemplative Motherhood lifestyle. But for the following two episodes , we hope to weave together tokens from this season that will aid us all in putting together a tapestry of the picture of the Contemplative Motherhood life.
Contemplative Books that Erin and Chelsea have found helpful on their journey:
An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor
Being Nobody, Going Nowhere by Ayya Khema
Earth, Our Original Monestary by Christine Painter
Falling Upward by Richard Rohr
Merton’s Palace of Nowhere by James Finley
Tales from the Land of the Sufis by Mojdeh Bayat and Mohammad Ali Jamnia
The Contemplative Heart by James Finley
The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence, translated by Marshall Davis
The Sayings of the Desert Fathers translated by Benedicata Ward, SLG
The Way of Paradox by Meister Eckhart, translated by Cyprian Smith, OSB
The Way of the Heart by Henry Nouwen
*Note: This is not an exhaustive list and one that continuously is added to as our journey progresses...