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Is Trump for real?

Is Trump for real?

Update: 2024-10-171


This podcast delves into the alarming rhetoric of Donald Trump, focusing on his recent statements about wanting to be a dictator for a day, using the military to handle election disruptions, and giving police a day of unlimited violence. The podcast explores the reactions of his supporters and political opponents, highlighting the concerns of retired defense officials who view Trump's rhetoric as a serious threat to democracy. The podcast also examines the evolution of Trump's rhetoric, tracing its shift towards a more divisive and authoritarian tone. It explores the factors that have contributed to this shift, including the social justice protests of 2020 and the conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 election. The podcast further examines the phenomenon of Trump voters who, despite hearing his more radical and anti-democratic statements, don't believe he will actually act on them. It explores the reasons behind this belief, including their perception of Trump's style and their past experiences with his presidency. The podcast concludes by assessing the risk of Trump's rhetoric, considering his past actions, his current statements, and the potential impact of his policies if he is re-elected.


Trump's Rhetoric and the Threat to Democracy

This chapter examines Donald Trump's recent statements about wanting to be a dictator for a day, using the military to handle election disruptions, and giving police a day of unlimited violence. It explores the reactions of his supporters and political opponents, as well as the concerns of retired defense officials.

The Evolution of Trump's Rhetoric and its Impact

This chapter traces the evolution of Trump's rhetoric, highlighting how his language has become increasingly divisive and authoritarian. It explores the factors that have contributed to this shift, including the social justice protests of 2020 and the conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 election. It also examines the phenomenon of Trump voters who, despite hearing his more radical and anti-democratic statements, don't believe he will actually act on them.

Assessing the Risk of Trump's Rhetoric and its Potential Consequences

This chapter examines the question of how worried Americans should be about Trump's rhetoric. It considers his past actions, his current statements, and the potential impact of his policies if he is re-elected.


Enemy Within

A term used by Donald Trump to describe those who oppose him, often characterized as radical left-wing extremists or those who undermine his authority. It reflects a divisive and authoritarian approach to politics, suggesting a sense of internal threat and the need for strong leadership to combat it.


A form of government characterized by strong central power, limited individual freedoms, and suppression of dissent. Trump's rhetoric and actions, including his calls for unlimited police violence and the use of the military to handle election disruptions, raise concerns about his potential for authoritarianism.


A form of government in which a single person or a small group holds absolute power, often through force or intimidation. Trump's statement that he would like to be a dictator for a day, while presented as a joke, has been interpreted by some as a reflection of his authoritarian tendencies and a desire for unchecked power.

Election Interference

Actions taken to influence the outcome of an election, often through illegal or unethical means. Trump's rhetoric about using the military to handle election disruptions raises concerns about his potential to interfere with the democratic process and undermine the legitimacy of future elections.

Stop and Frisk

A controversial policing tactic that allows officers to stop and search individuals based on reasonable suspicion, often criticized for its discriminatory impact on minority communities. Trump's support for stop and frisk reflects his law-and-order approach to crime and his willingness to embrace policies that have been shown to be ineffective and harmful.

Military Industrial Complex

A term coined by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to describe the close relationship between the military, defense contractors, and government officials. Trump's appeal to the military and his support for increased military spending have raised concerns about his potential to further entrench the military industrial complex and prioritize military interests over civilian needs.

National Guard

A reserve military force that can be called upon by state governors or the president to assist with emergencies, natural disasters, or civil unrest. Trump's use of the National Guard to clear protesters from the streets and secure the Capitol after the January 6th insurrection has raised concerns about his willingness to deploy military force against civilians.

Conspiracy Theories

Unfounded beliefs or explanations for events that are often based on speculation, misinformation, or deliberate deception. Trump's promotion of conspiracy theories, such as the claim that the 2020 election was stolen, has contributed to a climate of distrust and division in American society.

Political Polarization

The increasing division and hostility between opposing political groups. Trump's rhetoric and actions have contributed to political polarization, exacerbating existing divisions and making it more difficult for Americans to find common ground.


  • What are some of the most concerning statements Donald Trump has made recently?

    Trump has said he'd like to be a dictator for a day, wants to give police unlimited violence for a day, and thinks the military should handle Americans who disrupt the 2024 election. These statements have raised concerns about his potential for authoritarianism and his willingness to use force against his political opponents.

  • How do Trump's supporters respond to his more radical statements?

    Some Trump supporters dismiss his more radical statements as jokes or hyperbole, while others believe he is serious and support his authoritarian tendencies. They often rationalize his rhetoric by arguing that he is simply \"strong\" and \"not afraid to take on the establishment.\""

  • What are the concerns of retired defense officials about Trump's rhetoric?

    Retired defense officials are concerned that Trump's rhetoric about using the military to handle election disruptions is a serious threat to democracy. They believe he is not kidding and that his words should be taken seriously, as they represent a dangerous escalation of his authoritarian tendencies.

  • Why do many veterans and military personnel remain supportive of Trump despite his controversial rhetoric and actions?

    Many veterans and military personnel support Trump because they appreciate his focus on military spending, his support for veterans' affairs, and his commitment to a strong national defense. They often overlook his more controversial statements and actions, believing that he is a strong leader who will protect their interests.

  • What are the potential consequences of Trump's rhetoric if he is re-elected?

    If Trump is re-elected, his rhetoric could lead to increased political polarization, a further erosion of democratic norms, and a greater risk of violence and instability. His authoritarian tendencies could also lead to the suppression of dissent, the curtailment of civil liberties, and the consolidation of power in the hands of a few.

Show Notes

Donald Trump talked over the weekend about deploying the military against an "enemy from within." The Washington Post's Isaac Arnsdorf explains how Trump's comments fit into a broader pattern of alarming campaign promises, and New York Times reporter Shawn McCreesh explains whether Republican voters even take this sort of talk seriously.

This episode was produced by Victoria Chamberlin with help from Eliza Dennis, edited by Matt Collette, fact-checked by Laura Bullard, engineered by Andrea Kristinsdottir and Rob Byers, and hosted by Noel King.

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Former President Donald Trump dances during a recent town hall. Photo by JEFF KOWALSKY/AFP via Getty Images.

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Is Trump for real?

Is Trump for real?
