Jesus Our Liberator - Living in Community with All Creation - #SeasonofCreation
We enter into another Season of Creation living in the shadow of Covid-19.
This sermon uses both the readings set down for the 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time and those for the Season of Creation John offers a biblical base for giving priority to the common good and living for and in communion with all creation
He explores what it might mean to be liberated by/take up our cross and follow Jesus and What kind of world are we being liberated into?
He suggests that maybe it is to be liberated from placing ourselves at the centre. Maybe it is to be liberated from seeing the point of creation is to serve humanities needs, rather then seeing that we join God in meeting the needs of creation.
In this election year in New Zealand
- How will these issues affect how we vote
- What we vote for
"this is the season for letting our prayer be inspired anew, ” a season “to reflect on our lifestyles ,” and a season “ for undertaking prophetic actions . . . calling for courageous decisions . . .directing the planet towards life, not death."
The notes for this sermon can be found here