Jimmy Fee - The Toughest Job In Saltwater Fishing That Everybody Wants
As Editor of On The Water Jimmy has to fish a lot and fortunately for On The Water Magazine Jimmy is up to the challenge. All joking aside it's no small task to have the versatility and the expertise to teach others a stunning array of fishing techniques from center pinning for steelhead to deep-dropping swordfish.
Fact is Jimmy Fee is a talented and curious angler who might be the best guy for the job he has. Case in point a few years ago I heard of a whisper of a local squeteague bite and I was immediately excited up to catch one. So I go to Google to learn a bit about jigging and the first result was an article written by Jimmy only a few days prior. This is further proof that he has his finger on the pulse of New England saltwater fishing. Join us for a great chat with a great guy.