John Ivison, useless idiot (ft. Andre Goulet)
Podfather Andre Goulet (@andremarrgoulet) of Harbinger Media Network (@harbingertweets) returns to BST to talk about anti-China neo-McCarthyism, as exemplified by John Ivison, whom you may remember from an earlier episode when he wrote a column about how CERB recipients are lazy parasites, for which he was rightfully dubbed the "worst person on the internet".
Ivison is mad that two Canadian MPs (Niki Ashton and Paul Manly) supported a rally calling for the release Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou, who was arrested by Canadian police at the request of the Trump administration. Ivison invokes Lenin (or was it Stalin?) to declare the two MPs "useful idiots". If that's the case, the only difference between them and Ivison is their usefulness.
Bianca Mugyenyi - Backlash over 'Free Meng Wanzhou' event reflects growing anti-China sentiment
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