DiscovertARTu häälJosh Sawyer and Meelis Friedenthal - early modern period, game design and AI
Josh Sawyer and Meelis Friedenthal - early modern period, game design and AI

Josh Sawyer and Meelis Friedenthal - early modern period, game design and AI

Update: 2024-06-26


In the first English-language episode of the "Voice of Tartu" podcast, game designer Josh Sawyer (Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, Pentiment) and writer and scientist Meelis Friedenthal (The Willow King) meet. Together they will talk about the early modern period, the game Pentiment and its connections with the development of modern information society and AI.

The podcast was made possible thanks to the International Literary Festival Prima Vista, which was part of the main program of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024.

Prima Vista, this year's theme was “Better and Worse” Futures. Josh Sawyer spoke at Prima Vista's Grand Futurological Congress. Meelis Friedenthal was one of Prima Vista's daily writers and one of the keynote speakers at the International Science Fiction Researchers' Annual Conference.


Podcasti "Tartu Hääl" esimeses inglisekeelses saates kohtuvad mängudisainer Josh Sawyer ("Fallout: New Vegas", "Pillars of Eternity", "Pentiment") ja kirjanik ning teadlane Meelis Friedenthal ("Mesilased", "Inglite keel", "Punkti ümber"). Koos vesteldakse varauusajast, mängust Pentiment ning selle sostest tänapäevase infoühiskonna ja ai arenguga.

Saade sai teoks tänu Rahvusvahelisele kirjandusfestivalile Prima Vista mis kuulus Euroopa Kultuuripealinn Tartu 2024 põhiprogrammi.

Prima Vista, tänavune teema oli „Paremad ja halvemad“ tulevikud. Josh Sawyer esines Prima Vista üritusel Suur Futuroloogiline Kongress. Meelis Friedenthal oli üks Prima Vista päevakirjanikke ning Rahvusvahelise Ulmeuurijate Aastakonverentsi üks peaesineja.









Sleep Timer


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120 Minutes

Josh Sawyer and Meelis Friedenthal - early modern period, game design and AI

Josh Sawyer and Meelis Friedenthal - early modern period, game design and AI

tARTu hääl