Keegan Harper Interview - Accounting advice for EOFY
Mark Attard from FinancePath interviews Keegan Harper an accountant from WHM Partners on how to get prepared for the end of the Financial Year. To make smarter proactive money decisions, Keegan gives us some great tax planning tips.
Keegan discusses:
* Tax planning for 30th June
* Tax reductions like income insurance
* Bring forward an expense to reduce your tax
* Clients with rental properties makes June a good time to do repairs so you can get the tax reduction claimable backc the next month.
* Self employed who have had a great year, bringing expenses forward to give them a better tax result.
* Interest payed in advance.Different between a capital improvement and maintenance.
* Negative gearing benefits.
* Depreciation Reports - Quantity Surveyor and the benefits of this report
.* Moving term deposit dates