DiscoverThat Implementation Science PodcastKevin King: Etiology of substance use, applying implementation science to methods training, and Star Wars
Kevin King: Etiology of substance use, applying implementation science to methods training, and Star Wars

Kevin King: Etiology of substance use, applying implementation science to methods training, and Star Wars

Update: 2023-09-30


On this episode we interview… co-host Kevin King! What?!? Again with the bro talk? Apologies to everyone in our audience but look on the bright side, you can use this time again to catch up on old Webster episodes. If you do listen, we’ll talk about the etiology of substance use and substance use disorders, examining training and education of research methods through an implementation science lens, and quiz Kevin on his knowledge of Star Wars.

Dora, J., Piccirillo, M., Foster, K. T., Arbeau, K., Armeli, S., Auriacombe, M., ... & King, K. M. (2023). The daily association between affect and alcohol use: A meta-analysis of individual participant data. Psychological Bulletin149(1-2), 1.

Dora, J., Schultz, M. E., Shoda, Y., Lee, C. M., & King, K. M. (2022). No evidence for trait-and state-level urgency moderating the daily association between negative affect and subsequent alcohol use in two college samples. Brain and Neuroscience Advances6, 23982128221079556.

Feil, M., Halvorson, M., Lengua, L., & King, K. M. (2020). A state model of negative urgency: Do momentary reports of emotional impulsivity reflect global self-report?. Journal of Research in Personality86, 103942.

Halvorson, M. A., Pedersen, S. L., Feil, M. C., Lengua, L. J., Molina, B. S., & King, K. M. (2021). Impulsive states and impulsive traits: A study of the multilevel structure and validity of a multifaceted measure of impulsive states. Assessment28(3), 796-812.

King, K. M., Feil, M. C., Halvorson, M. A., Kosterman, R., Bailey, J. A., & Hawkins, J. D. (2020). A trait-like propensity to experience internalizing symptoms is associated with problem alcohol involvement across adulthood, but not adolescence. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 34(7), 756.

King, K. M., Pullmann, M. D., Lyon, A. R., Dorsey, S., & Lewis, C. C. (2019). Using implementation science to close the gap between the optimal and typical practice of quantitative methods in clinical science. Journal of abnormal psychology, 128(6), 547–562.

Kummerfeld, E., & Jones, G. L. (2023). One data set, many analysts: Implications for practicing scientists. Frontiers in psychology, 14, 1094150.

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Kevin King: Etiology of substance use, applying implementation science to methods training, and Star Wars

Kevin King: Etiology of substance use, applying implementation science to methods training, and Star Wars

Mike Pullmann