Kim Lannin: The Inch Way — Steps to Create An Empowered School Culture
Kris welcomes the awesome Kim Lannin, member of the Child Care Success Academy and owner of Inch by Inch Childcare, Inc. for the past 18 years. Kim shares her inspiring journey of building a successful child care business, overcoming early challenges through the support of the Academy, and developing a unique “Inch Way” philosophy centered on exceptional customer service and a collaborative, hands-on leadership approach.
Key Takeaways:
[2:47 ] Kim provides an overview of her business, Inch by Inch Childcare, Inc., which she has owned for 18 years. The school has a current license capacity of 102 and is 90% full, with a revenue of over $2 million for the year.
[6:25 ] Kim loves a good Peloton session, with over 2,600 rides completed.
[7:30 ] Fun fact, Kim is Canadian!
[8:41 ] Kim recounts the early challenges she faced, including having no vision and lacking business skills. She credits the Child Care Success Academy for providing the tools she needed to succeed.
[14:00 ] Kim suggests that the lack of leadership in childcare may be due to a lack of leadership skills and a reliance on conventional, top-down management styles rather than a more collaborative, hands-on approach.
[14:42 ] Kim advocates for a more unconventional, collaborative leadership style where the leader is “hands-on” and focused on supporting the team, rather than just giving orders.
[17:30 ] How Kim’s mindset has changed over the years and what she attributes that to the most.
[20:07 ] Forming a Massachusetts cohort during the pandemic and how that helped everyone get through a difficult time.
[23:58 ] Dealing with staffing challenges by constantly hiring and bringing in candidates.
[28:01 ] What sets Inch By Inch apart from competition in the community?
[30:27 ] How “The Inch Way” helps retain employees and family.
[31:29 ] Future goals, including rebranding and expansion.
“What is now your ceiling will become your floor.” — Kim [6:59 ]
“Within the first five years, I was on the brink of complete and utter failure. And this is a true story. This is not a paid infomercial, but what saved me was finding the Academy, because I had no plan. I had no idea what I was doing, and it gave me the tools that I needed to get on the right path.” — Kim [9:32 ]
“The two main pillars I think of what you should be doing with your business are articulating your vision or core values and deciding what they are. They have to be inherent to you, that you believe in, and that’s what we have now.” — Kim [11:56 ]
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