Do you have a favourite pair of shoes? What memories do you associate with them?
This week, Maya, Oli, and Mo open their kicks cupboard and invite you all to walk a mile in their shoes – sharing stories that span from the hallowed turf of Wembley Stadium to cherished heirlooms—and even a nod to Rihanna herself.
But it’s not all nostalgia! Aishwarya Sharma, one of PUMA’s Voices of a RE:GENERATION, shakes things up with a healthy dose of competitive spirit — challenging the hosts to a quiz about leather and its alternatives. The hosts discover why leather is such a hot topic, as Aishwarya dives into the questions PUMA has been exploring for years about this material and its alternatives.
Do you know how many pairs of trainers can be made from one kilogram of leather? Or what pineapples have to do with your kicks?
If not, it’s time to #KNOWYOURSTUFF! Tune in to learn more about leather, its alternatives, and why understanding the materials we wear matters.
Do you have a pair of kicks with some special memories? Tell us about them using the hashtag #PUMAGREENFLAGS.
If you want to find out more about leather and its alternatives, check out Aishwarya Sharma’s #KNOWYOURSTUFF series here https://foreverbetter.com/en/voices-regeneration/knowyourstuff
There’s only one Forever. Let’s make it Better.
Green Flags is a FOREVER.BETTER podcast, brought to you by PUMA. Produced by Mags Creative and MSL.
We used the following data and sources in this episode:
• Cowhide waste
• Piñatex
• Know Your Stuff
• PUMA’s Vision 2030 Sustainability Targets
• PUMA’s 2023 Sustainability report