DiscoverLarryGlick2's PodcastLarry Glick WBZ January 28, 1978 (Pt1)
Larry Glick WBZ January 28, 1978 (Pt1)

Larry Glick WBZ January 28, 1978 (Pt1)

Update: 2013-03-02


We join Larry as he is having a light-hearted discussion about ethnicity with Jeanette.

Time check: It’s eight minutes before one. Next caller is Carol from East Boston, a first time caller (round of applause). Carol talks about frequenting local restaurants. Carols husband owns a gas station.

Next caller is John from Scituate but he used to live in Abington, Ma. He just thought he would call. His wife is in the other room listening. Larry asks John to hold on (John, quick-wittedly replies “to what”?) because of network news at the top of the hour. The news was edited out on this tape, so we join Larry and John after the news. John suggests that Larry just give the sports scores and not who won or lost. Larry doesn’t buy it. John’s wife is Kathleen and is hiding about now. John begins to tell a story about his house burning down, but his wife asks not to tell it. John is going back to work as a chemical salesman. John asks Larry to play the cemetery cut.

Next caller is Carol from “The Berry” Larry asks where? She replies Roxbury. She is a first time caller (round of applause). Carol wants to know if Larry is going to play Babaluci tonight. She loves that record. She has seven children with her husband. The oldest is 23 and the youngest is 10. Larry plays Babaluci.

Next is a WBZ winter promo then a few commercials.

It’s 22 minutes after 1. Next call is Debbie, Greg’s girlfriend. She is 13 years old. Larry and Debbie discuss Greg’s birthday.

Next caller is Ricky from Malden, a first time caller (round of applause). Ricky is 11 years old. Ricky’s father is a toll collector. Larry explains the difference between a Piper and a Cessna as they discuss flying. Then Ricky asks Larry to play CB Savage. Larry asks Ricky a few questions that probably wouldn’t be politically correct in today’s world. Larry plays CB Savage, a song that wouldn’t be politically correct in today’s world.








Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

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120 Minutes

Larry Glick WBZ January 28, 1978 (Pt1)

Larry Glick WBZ January 28, 1978 (Pt1)

Larry Glick 2

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