DiscoverLarryGlick2's PodcastLarry Glick WBZ July 1, 1978 (Pt2)
Larry Glick WBZ July 1, 1978 (Pt2)

Larry Glick WBZ July 1, 1978 (Pt2)

Update: 2018-07-01


WELL! How about this for a coincidence -- Today is July 1, 2018 and this audio clip of The Larry Glick was originally broadcast 40 years ago today, July 1, 1978. To commemorate this, we will post everything we have of Larry's show from July 1, 1978 (2 parts) Please enjoy!

Larry Glick WBZ July 1, 1978 (Pt2)

Now back to The Larry Glick. Time check: It's ten minutes after two. Larry returns to John who he was talking to before the news. They continue their discussion on Israel and Jews. The conversation switches to night time radio signals and all night shifts in radio.


Next caller is Joe from Lynn. He is a first time caller (round of applause). Joe works at an airport as a baggage handler. Joe asks if Larry could play “The Graveyard Marauder” clip. Larry explains that there is not enough time in this segment and they are going into an old time radio clip for 30 minutes at 2:30 . Larry asks Muck to remind him to play the clip after 3 AM.

Next caller is Bob from Townsend, MA. Bob asks Larry about fireworks for the 4th of July. Larry says no and that Massachusetts outlawed fireworks. Larry and Bob speak briefly about diet and a mutual friend. Bob asks Larry where The Godfather has been because he has a favor to ask him (Que the Godfather theme). Bob asks the godfather to play Reveille for some friends that are having trouble staying awake. The godfather grants his favor.


Next, Larry introduces an old time radio show that plays at 2:30 AM. This was due to union regulations where the technical staff was due a break during their shift. We will edit out the old time radio as this had nothing to do with the Larry Glick show.

Commercials, then Associated Press Network news at 3:00 AM. Larry reads the weather and dates the program Saturday July 1st, 1978. Ace Glick reads the sports scores.

Now back to the Larry Glick Show. Bob from Dorchester (a neighborhood in Boston, Massachusetts) is a first time caller (round of applause). Larry asks Bob what he does for a living. Bob does not want to say. Larry edges him on, but nothing doing. So they move on to news of a homicide of a cab driver from the Roxbury neighborhood and Bob wants to find out more about it. Larry tries to smoke Bob out with some more questions, but Bob wont budge!

Larry then plays “The Graveyard Marauder” clip as he promised a caller earlier in the hour. This clip is incomplete. It ends abruptly when my reel-to-reel tape ends.

The complete clip is available at:








Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

30 Minutes

45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

Larry Glick WBZ July 1, 1978 (Pt2)

Larry Glick WBZ July 1, 1978 (Pt2)

Larry Glick 2

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