Laurence Whittam
Laurence Whittam stands as a highly regarded Outsourcing Mentor, Advisor, and Strategist, with a significant impact in his role as the Founder and Managing Director of Impact Global Solutions. Focused on integrating offshore Tax, Accounting, and Audit resources into U.S. CPA firms, Laurence has successfully navigated diverse regions such as the Philippines, USA, South America, India, and South Africa, effectively addressing domestic talent shortages and maximizing profits.
⭐Cash Flow Club⭐
The Global Wellness HQ Podcast is proudly sponsored by Cash Flow Club.
In Cash Flow Club, we share strategies and practical tips that business owners and entrepreneurs can implement immediately to improve the overall cash flow in their business.
We will talk about inbound cash flow, outbound cash flow, and managing cash flows overall.
Our focus is:
1) How to increase the volume of inbound cash flows, accelerate the speed of inbound cash flows, and systemize inbound cash flows for greater business certainty.
2) How to decrease the volume of outbound cash flows, decelerate the speed of outbound cash flows, and optimize outbound cash flows for great business strength.
3) How to manage saving, borrowing, and investing in a business.
You can learn more about Cash Flow Club here: