Let the Light In
Paul and Angela bring us our latest glimpse into their LA lives are on sparkling form unlike the power grid. This episode was recorded during their latest and third black-out....thanks to the recent spat of storms that have been hitting L.A.!
Light a candle, sit back and relax......
Marie Antionette, Ru Paul's Drag Race, Studio 54 and a beautiful song for Lisa Marie Presley
Angela's music (Facebook page): www.facebook.com/AngelaMcCluskeyMusic/
Paul Cantelon (IMDb page): www.imdb.com/name/nm0134508/
Wild Colonials: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2B8kCQgl0lpItXCkGXIrEx?si=tg5opgrsRLuqwJd3mDv6hA
Télépopmusik: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3aKCo8gLJfuPYtr88aWKjF?si=cuxrYCaZSDmejrrse6ykjQ
For more information about You Could Start a Fight in an Empty House, go to: www.thebiglight.com/youcouldstartafightinanemptyhouse