Liam Bauman
Our last episode was with songwriter Brian Sutherland, a Nashville based musician and standout at the 2019 Downtown St. Petersburg Songwriter's festival. The first night of the fest Brian, a veteran of these events and in his early 30's, shared the stage with Liam Bauman, a young songwriter in his early 20's who by contrast appeared ever the rookie. Any reticence that may have been visible was extinguished when Liam hit his first notes with the steady strum of a guy whose been doing this for years–– And he has, a few tours under his belt and his EP still warm from a late 2019 release, Liam has been on our wish list ever since we saw him busking with a vintage Gibson at Cage fest here in Florida last year. In person, Liam is polite and reserved with lady-killer blue eyes that probably net him a few extra tips when he's working as a barista in his down time. He has an innocent smile that's almost misleading, because his sense of humor gives way to a maturity and depth of guy that has a lot to say and is really good at using his pen and his guitar to say it. Liam's EP is really good and a very enjoyable listen, and the unreleased song he played us during this episode has been stuck in my head for weeks. Which has been a very pleasant experience. This episode was a lot of fun, and he we hope you will join us in becoming big fans of Liam Bauman.