DiscoverA Public AffairLife in Turkey with Robert Schoville, Then Palestinian Art with Laila ...
Life in Turkey with Robert Schoville, Then Palestinian Art with Laila ...

Life in Turkey with Robert Schoville, Then Palestinian Art with Laila ...

Update: 2024-05-31


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On today’s two part, A Public Affair, host Esty Dinur is first joined by Robert Schoville who is best known in Madison as the founder of the Brazilian percussion group, The Handphibians. Robert has spent the last five years living on the Aegean coast of Turkey with his family. He joins us in the studio to talk with Esty about life under the current president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the role of the country in the Middle East, and much more. 

Then, textile artist Laila Hasan joins us by phone. For many years she has brought women textile artists together to develop shared sales opportunities for their hand made items. Many of the artist now the sole economic support for their families. She talks with Esty about her art making as well as the current situation in the West Bank.

Laila will be presenting and selling art in Madison on June 9th from 1:30-3:30 at Madison friends meeting house:  (1704 Roberts Court).  There will be snacks. Learn more here. 

Image “Turkey, Fairy chimneys, Natural landscape” by flaviospugna from Pixabay

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Life in Turkey with Robert Schoville, Then Palestinian Art with Laila ...

Life in Turkey with Robert Schoville, Then Palestinian Art with Laila ...

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