Little Devils Trailer
Welcome to Little Devils!
We're often quick to judge others and ourselves for mistakes, failures, and imperfections. But what happens if you move towards those things, examine how they came to be, and unearth the stories beneath them? Are they truly flaws? What's the story behind the debilitating fear of jinxing things? Whatever happened to the prankster who lost control of the prank? How does it feel to find a beloved enemy within your body? And how can you be a good daughter, son or sibling if you’re unwilling to make sacrifices for your family?
People think host Jasmin Bauomy is too nice, but actually - she’s kind of judgy. In turn, that makes her wonder how much she's misjudging people in her life, too. So, she goes out and tries to follow her curiosity and learns about the stories behind our small fucked-upness. These small things she calls "Little Devils" that - if you don't pay attention to them, might grow into real big and scary problems.
What she finds surprises her, and might surprise you, too.