LoreCandy is Coming!
Hello to all you wow players. Special welcome to tanks and healers, a slightly colder welcome to those that stand in fires or can't seem to stack to quite literally save their lives. Welcome to a new podcast, LoreCandy, that seeks to make the hours you spend in Azeroth more fun and meaningful by explaining why you're there in the first place. Each week we'll dive into a different lore topic, everything from basic histories to specific dungeon bosses, where the races came from, why the orcs have constant, full-body grass stains and much, much more. My hope is that knowing who you're fighting and exactly why they suck makes it that much more fun to loot their sweet, sweet gold. Maybe it'll piss you off a little less when you wipe to an ability that is obviously overtuned. Maybe you'll have less nightmares when you know why Azshara has a bunch of tentacles. Maybe you'll have more nightmares, who knows. Join us next week when we kick off this lore journey with a little dip into the past, talking about the story of the first war that happened way back in the first RTS Warcraft game. Things will only get better from there. If you have feedback or requests for a specific lore topic, go ahead and send those to lorecandy@gmail.com. It's candy for your nerdy little mind.