Lorecast Episode 7 - The Anfiteatro
In the northernmost district of Erivone, resides El Distrito Musical, once a home of laughter, love and careful inhibition,has long since fallen silent. Standing at the farther most point of the city, before the great walls and observatory tower, sits the greatest jewel of El Distrito Musical; the anfiteatro, looking out over the mountains below and beyond. This was a safe haven for stage performances, festivals and gatherings of the people, before the fall of the 42, and before the siege of the Clatters. The Battle of the Valley of Roses, changed everything. Night Vigil by Kevin MacLeod Link: filmmusic.io/song/5746-night-vigil License: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Our Story Begins by Kevin MacLeod Link: filmmusic.io/song/4181-our-story-begins License: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/