Managing the Risk of Tech Transfer to China
There are deep interconnections between the U.S. and Chinese economies, and China has built its technology base on what it has acquired from the West. China’s government and some Chinese companies will use any means, legal or illegal, to acquire technology. The United States’ relationship with China cannot continue unchanged, but given the interconnections, change must be managed carefully. This event will focus on how the U.S. can modernize its technology transfer policies to manage risks without damaging American innovation.
Michael Brown, Director of the Defense Innovation Unit, U.S. Department of Defense
With offices in Silicon Valley, Boston, Austin and at the Pentagon, DIU’s mission is to accelerate the adoption of commercial technology into the military and access and stimulate the national security innovation base. Previously, Michael served two years (2016-2018) as a White House Presidential Innovation Fellow at the Defense Department. He is the co-author of a Pentagon study on China’s participation in the U.S. venture ecosystem, a catalyst for the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act (FIRRMA) providing expanded jurisdiction to CFIUS. Additionally, he led the initiative for a new Defense Department-sponsored investment vehicle, National Security Innovation Capital (NSIC) to fund dual-use hardware technology companies.
Eileen M. Albanese, Director, Office of National Security and Technology Transfer Controls, Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce
Eileen Albanese is the Director of the Office of National Security and Technology Transfer Controls (NSTIC). NSTTC is responsible within the Bureau of Industry and Security for issues related to national security export and reexport controls. Previously, Ms. Albanese served as the Director of the Office of Exporter Services (OExS). She entered the Department of Commerce in 1976 to work in the International Trade Administration on the Tokyo Round of the Multilateral Trade Negotiations. She holds a B.A. in International Affairs from the George Washington University.
David Hanke, Partner, Arent Fox LLP
Dave’s practice centers on matters involving the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) and emerging technologies. He previously spent 12 years on Capitol Hill, serving in a variety of national security staff positions, and three years on active duty in the U.S. Army. While at the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dave was the primary staff architect of Sen. John Cornyn’s Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act (FIRRMA), the most sweeping overhaul of CFIUS’s processes and jurisdiction in its 44-year existence.
Thomas Feddo, Assistant Secretary for Investment Security, U.S. Department of Treasury.
Mr. Feddo serves as the county’s first assistant secretary of the Treasury for investment security, overseeing national security reviews undertaken by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). Prior to his current position, Mr. Feddo served as the U.S. Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for Investment Security, and as a partner at Alston & Bird working in their International Trade & Regulatory Group.
Moderated by
James A. Lewis, SVP and Director, CSIS Technology Policy Program
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