Miss Sara Mora, National Immigrants Rights Organizer
Known as @MissSaraMora on social media globally, Sara has become a sought-after voice in the work of social change with the angle of the migrant community. A college student who took a leave, an influencer, digital media strategist; Sara has dedicated her youth to being a symbol of hope and courage in the face of adversity. From the very short age of 10, Sara served as a youth voice at her local church and community organization. In highschool, Sara led conversation around the importance of empowering young students who like her were in need of role models. When she graduated high school she debuted as an activist when interviewing at the time President of Costa Rica, Luis Guillermo Solis(2014-2018) on DACA and questioning external countries role in supporting young people with DACA. At just 16 years old she gained access to the presidents administration which inspired her to meet diplomats and explore how diplomatic efforts could support migrant youth in college in the U.S. Little did she know this would lead her to a sequence of intense events.