DiscoverA Case of the MondaysMondaypod Summer Vacation: Gary Pisano
Mondaypod Summer Vacation: Gary Pisano

Mondaypod Summer Vacation: Gary Pisano

Update: 2023-06-12


Today we're getting in the wayback machine to 2019--remember that? We were still living in 2016 back then, and we were such summer children.

Are you innovative? Do you know what it means to be innovative? Probably not, but that's ok because today I'm brining back my 2019 conversation with Harvard Business Professor, Gary Pisano.

In his own words: "Over my three-decade career, I have explored fundamental questions about how organizations learn, innovate, and compete. A researcher, teacher and consultant to many of the world’s largest corporations, I focus on the management of innovation, strategy, enterprise growth, the commercialization of science and international competitiveness. My work on these topics has spanned a broad range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, apparel, electronics, entertainment, financial services, health care, manufacturing, restaurants, semiconductors, software, specialty chemicals and web services."

The article that blew my mind and made me need to talk to Prof. Pisano: The Hard Truth About Innovative Cultures

And another great one from 2021, applying the lessons of evolution and Gary's own research in a case study about how Moderna developed their COVId-19 vaccine: What Evolution Can Teach Us About Innovation

Outro: "Rockaway Beach" by The Ramones

Writer, Host: Chris Thierfelder
Producers: Sarah and Max Warman
Art: Jennie Jacobs
Music: Kevin MacLeod
IG: @mondaypod
LinkedIn: A Case of the Mondays
Site: A Case of the Mondays

Copyright 2023 TWC Media Group All Rights Reserved









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Mondaypod Summer Vacation: Gary Pisano

Mondaypod Summer Vacation: Gary Pisano

TWC Media Group