Monster Hunter Movie and Creature in the Well: Gaming Club Game
Hey everyone! Most of our crew have watched the Monster Hunter Movie and talk about how bad it was because it was almost good. We highlight Monster Hunter Rise slightly as well and then jump into our gaming club game, Creature in the Well. Overall this very niche title wasn't a huge hit with us unfortunately but there were some positive take aways. Give it a listen and let us know what you think about the movie or the game!
Our next gaming club game is Star Renegades, a rogue-like action, adventure RPG game with a reactive time battle system. It looks really cool and also reminiscent of Hyper Light Drifter in art style in parts. Play along with us and let us know what you think.
Huge shout to TheOneUps for letting us use their Shadow Man theme for our intro! Also a shoutout and credit goes to Wiesty and the OC Jazz Collective for letting us use their song Dream of Green for our outro!