Most Wanted Men
The FBI occasionally puts out a listing of the most wanted men in America. God has His list of most wanted men too. Here are some:
The man who puts God before his business or other involvements.
The man who brings his children to worship services rather than just sending them.
The man who is willing to set a godly example for his children.
The man who thinks more of Bible classes than he does of sleeping late on Sunday morning.
The man who measures his giving by what he has left rather than what he has given.
The man who goes to church services for Christ’s sake rather than to please someone else.
The man who wants to help others rather than having others help him.
The man who sees his faults before he sees faults of others.
The prophet Micah wrote, “And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).