Movie: Forbidden Planet (1956)
A starship crew in the 23rd century goes to investigate the silence of a distant planet's colony, only to find just two survivors, a powerful robot, and the deadly secret of a lost civilization.
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Music provided by: Atlas Sound Arts
This is SciFi Voice: Dear Nikky
Special Guest: Chrisi Talyn Saje Madison on the Air
Mentions: James Allocca, David Johnson, xX Lil Mo Xx, Lauren”Shmitty Smith, The Call of the Void @thecallofthevoidpodcast, Jorge Luis @jorgelgp13, King Eljay @k1ngeljay, 2Nin Ent @2ninent, The Jacked Up Review Show Podcast, Fave Five From Fans Podcast, The Real Scuttlebutt Podcast @ScarifPodcast, Michael Shane, **GoodTimesGreatMovies, Ash, Twist My Arm
Ads: The FSF PopCast, Cheapseat Reviews
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