DiscoverJBMuwonge Podcast - Uganda's Journey to FreedomMpuuga, Abed, Kagabo disagree with NUP term limits
Mpuuga, Abed, Kagabo disagree with NUP term limits

Mpuuga, Abed, Kagabo disagree with NUP term limits

Update: 2023-04-25


Mpuuga, Abed, Kagabo disagree with NUP term limits

JB Muwonge : To those leaders and Ugandans opposing term limits for all leaders in National Unity PlatformYou need to understand that Term limits are extremely essential for any functioning democracy, they ensure that no single leader can overstay their welcome, abuse their power, and become entrenched in the system, leading to corruption and a lack of progress like it is for Museveni. It is an undeniable fact that leaders who stay in power for too long can become complacent, corrupt, and detached from the people they are meant to serve. This is a problem that has plagued our country Uganda for far too long. The absence of term limits for all leaders has allowed leaders like Museveni to remain in power for decades, leading to an autocratic style of governance and the erosion of democratic values. Those who oppose NUP term limits are essentially supporting this autocratic style of governance and are no different from Museveni in their outlook. It is essential to understand that term limits are not just about preventing one individual from holding onto power for too long. It is about creating a space for fresh ideas and perspectives to come into play. It is about giving new leaders the opportunity to bring their vision and expertise to the table, unencumbered by the baggage of previous administrations. It is about ensuring that the government remains accountable to the people and is constantly striving to improve.The National Unity Platform's efforts to push for two-term limits for leaders are commendable. This move will help to create a more vibrant and dynamic political landscape in Uganda, allowing for more voices to be heard and more diverse perspectives to be represented. It will provide a much-needed injection of new ideas and energy into Ugandan politics, and ensure that the government is more responsive to the needs of the people of Uganda. Those who oppose term limits are simply displaying their own greed and selfishness, their being insensitive to our outcries is now too loud. They are not interested in the well-being of the country or the people they are meant to serve. With over 47 million Ugandans, there is no shortage of talented and capable individuals who could serve as leaders. And perhaps as a leader, it's your responsibility and mandate to nurture new talents, and new breed of leaders. Allowing for term limits will help to create the space for these individuals to step forward and make a difference. As I conclude this, I state once again term limits are very essential for any functioning democracy, and the opposition to them is nothing but a reflection of greed, insensitivity, and selfishness. The National Unity Platform's push for two-term limits is a positive step forward for Uganda, and it is essential that this effort is supported watered, and encouraged. We must all work together to create a more inclusive Uganda. Thank you President Bobi Wine for giving us the Platform and the opportunity. I remain JBMuwonge. #Labisa and ActSee insights and adsBoost postAll reactions:6060

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Mpuuga, Abed, Kagabo disagree with NUP term limits

Mpuuga, Abed, Kagabo disagree with NUP term limits

JB Muwonge