NNL Pod 1: What is the Baltic Sea Region and how has it changed since the invasion of Ukraine?
The Nordic Region is part of the Baltic Sea Region, connected in historical, cultural and economic ways. Listen to a podcast about what has changed in the Baltic Sea Region since the invasion of Ukraine, and about how regions are not static and change over time, much like our affiliation for them.
Students from Aarhus University, Chance Dorland and Sóley Eliasdottir, get answers to their questions from two scholars, Kazimierz Musiał from the University of Gdansk's Scandinavian and Finnish Studies department and Alexander Drost from the Interdiscipliary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research at Greifswald University. This podcast was made possible by funding from the A.P. Moller Foundation.
Sound credits: Summer by tictac9 from freesound.org.