Naked Sprout: Big sheets of toilet paper, big problems
Naked Sprout make toilet rolls out of bamboo. They're super sustainable and the company prides themselves on using no fossil fuels in 99% of their process. That remaining 1%, that's what they wanted us to help with. They currently have to use one gigantic diesel forklift truck to lift the enormous mother rolls of toilet paper that come off their manufacturing process. These huge tonne and a half rolls are later cut down to the bog rolls you know and love and use but until then Naked Sprout has to cart them about their factory. Can we help them? Can we make them even greener? Of course we can.
Some of our ideas: What if we only had one toilet between us all? What if you could cut your own toilet paper? What if Naked Sprout was also a housing company?
Thank you Rosie, who works in Content and Community at Naked Sprout, for getting in touch with us. Dear listener, how would you solve her problem? Email us at:
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Thank you to Rich Endersby-Marsh for our theme music:
Keep your brains on the outside! xo