New Year's Resolutions
Everyone is making New Year’s resolutions. Many will be broken before the day is out. Let me suggest a few to you, and really try to stick to them.
— Watch less television.
— View fewer newscasts, thereby seeking to avoid an hour-by-hour exposure to bad news.
— Remain focused on success and not failure.
— Be optimistic believing that better days are ahead.
— Find happiness in little things, everyday occurrences, and small successes.
— Love God and my neighbor with a pure love.
— Love family and friends as never before.
— Be a part of a faithful body of believers in Jesus Christ.
— Spend myself in His service and a knowledge of His Word.
All of these are worthy goals and resolutions. All of them will make you a happier person as well.
Set goals for yourself this year, and stick to them. Make your goals beyond yourself, and ones that will make a difference for eternity.