November 2023: Inequalities in the Incidence of Psychotic Disorders Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
Dr. Winston Chung (Kaiser Permanente Northern California) joins AJP Audio to discuss inequalities in the diagnosis of psychotic disorders between racial and ethnic groups in a large cohort. Afterwards, we’ll once again be joined by American Journal of Psychiatry Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Ned Kalin, to discuss the rest of the November issue of AJP, which focuses on different aspects of psychotic disorder.
- Chung interview [00:30 ]
- Structural racism and missing socioeconomic strata [02:58 ]
- Effective and non-effective psychosis [04:20 ]
- Limitations [05:48 ]
- Differential rates of treatment and non-treatment [06:58 ]
- Policy implications [07:40 ]
- Further research [08:31 ]
- Kalin interview [08:58 ]
- Chung et al. [09:14 ]
- Rødevand et al. [11:27 ]
- Cao et al. [14:07 ]
- Smucny et al. [16:18 ]
- Cannon [17:03 ]
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