DiscoverNTEB BIBLE RADIO: Rightly DividingObama Helps 'Frozen Joe' Biden With $30+ Million Fundraiser
Obama Helps 'Frozen Joe' Biden With $30+ Million Fundraiser

Obama Helps 'Frozen Joe' Biden With $30+ Million Fundraiser

Update: 2024-06-17


White House residents and Hollywood megastars shared the stage inside Los Angeles’ Peacock Theater on Saturday night for what turned out to be a record-setting Democratic fundraising haul as President Biden‘s reelection campaign netted more than $30 million from the one-night-only event. What a great start, right up to the moment where Biden again froze on stage, ending with him being led away by the hand by his master Obama. The people who control Biden are not going to release their grip until he drops to the floor, unable to rise again. ‘Frozen Joe’ is the perfect end times president. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are officially in the midst of the strangest election ever held in America, one that gets weirder and more perverse by the day. As Barack Obama’s third term draws to a close, he is in no mood to let go of his grip on power as he angles for a fourth term in Washington. Joe Biden’s rented body is being pushed to the breaking point as he is continued to be used as the ‘front man’ for Obama in the basement. Ironically, Joe Biden years ago laughingly said he would gladly offer himself up as a ‘political prostitute’, and here at the end of his life, as his mind and body continue to fail openly, they have taken him up on his offer. Other stories we will cover today include the shakeups in Israel, the coming Disease X Bird Flu pandemic, and Europe’s mad race toward WWIII.








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Obama Helps 'Frozen Joe' Biden With $30+ Million Fundraiser

Obama Helps 'Frozen Joe' Biden With $30+ Million Fundraiser

Now The End Begins