Oiling the Courts: How the Fossil Fuels Industry Attacks Activists and Advocates and How to Fight Back Against their Sticks and SLAPPS
Chevron’s Carious Crusade Against Steven Donziger, SLAPP Suits and the Defense of Climate Necessity
Discussion with Lauren Regan on corporate SLAPP suits and in particular the oil and gas industry’s utilization of RICO against grassroots environmental activists. We also discuss the miscarriages of justice in Chevron’s RICO action against attorney Steven Donziger and the criminal contempt case against Steven, whom Lauren is defending on the criminal contempt charge. Additionally, we discuss Lauren’s defense of the “Valve Turners”, their reasoning behind civil disobedience and Lauren’s establishment in Washington and Minnesota of the climate necessity defense. Finally, we discuss police misconduct and crowd control by private security firms, including at Standing Rock and the way forward for attorneys in supporting and advocating for grassroots activists.
For More Info: http://thegravity.fm/#/episode/43