Old-Time Radio Marathon: JULY 21, 2024 #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

Old-Time Radio Marathon: JULY 21, 2024 #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

Update: 2024-07-22


This podcast episode is a compilation of classic dark radio dramas, each offering a unique and chilling tale. The first story, "The Body Snatchers," follows Fergus, a man who becomes entangled in the world of illegal cadaver procurement for medical schools. His growing unease with the practice leads him to question his morality and ultimately witness a shocking murder. The episode then shifts to "X Minus 1 - Universe," a futuristic story set aboard a spaceship. Hugh Hoyland, a cadet, discovers the ship's true nature and the hidden history of its inhabitants, including a group of mutants who defy the ship's creator, Jordan. The podcast continues with "A Man's Desperation," a story about Sam Carnell, a gambler who, after losing everything, decides to hire a hitman to kill him. However, a twist of fate changes his plans, leading to a desperate race against time and a tragic ending. The episode then explores "The Immortal Soul," a tale of Stephen, a man who dies during a blizzard but finds his spirit trapped in his own body. He witnesses his own funeral and the events that follow, unable to communicate with the living. The podcast concludes with "The Giant Brain," a story about Professor Rodano, a mad scientist obsessed with creating a super-powered robot. His experiments with human and animal brains lead to a terrifying confrontation with the Avenger, a mysterious figure who fights against evil. Throughout the episode, the listener is immersed in a world of suspense, mystery, and the darker side of human nature.


Low-Carb Journey and Built Bars, Zero-Carb Bread and Hero Bread

The speaker discusses their low-carb weight loss journey, highlighting the impact of reducing carbs and the role of Built Bars in making the process easier. They mention replacing high-carb desserts with Built Bars, which are low-carb, high-protein, and taste like candy bars. They also share their experience with Hero Bread, a zero-carb bread alternative, expressing initial skepticism but ultimately finding it to taste and feel like real bread.

WeirdDarkness's RetroRadio Introduction

Darren Marlore, the host of WeirdDarkness's RetroRadio, welcomes listeners and introduces the show, which features classic dark, creepy, and macabre old-time radio shows. He encourages listeners to visit WeirdDarkness.com for merchandise, newsletters, social media, audiobooks, and other podcasts.

The Body Snatchers - Acts One and Two

The episode begins with a scene in a pub in Devonham, England, where Fergus, a heavy drinker, is discussing the illness of the local squire with Harry, another patron. The squire has been struck down by a stroke and a doctor, Dr. Wolf McFarlane, has been called in. The story shifts to Fergus's past, revealing his involvement with body snatching. He recounts how he met Wolf McFarlane and was drawn into the world of illegal cadaver procurement for medical schools.

The Body Snatchers - Acts Three and Four

Fergus continues his story, detailing his growing unease with the body snatching operation. He questions the morality of the practice and struggles with his conscience. Fergus's conflict intensifies as he witnesses the arrival of a new body, a young woman named Jeannie McRoberts. He recognizes her and is horrified to discover she was murdered.

The Body Snatchers - Act Five

The episode culminates in a shocking revelation: Jeannie McRoberts was pregnant and murdered. Fergus is accused of her murder, but he insists on his innocence.

X Minus 1 - Universe and The Forbidden Place

The episode shifts to a futuristic setting aboard a spaceship. Hugh Hoyland, a cadet, and his friend Alan Mahoney visit John the Witness, a keeper of the ship's legend. John recounts the story of Jordan, the ship's creator, and the regulations he established. Hugh and Alan question John about the strange creatures on the upper levels of the ship. John explains that they are mutants, descendants of rebels who defied Jordan.

X Minus 1 - The Main Controller Room and The Truth About the Ship

Gregory, the leader of the mutants, takes Hugh to the main controller room of the ship. He reveals that the ship is actually a giant sphere, much larger than they had been led to believe. Gregory shows Hugh the universe through a shield in the control room, proving that the ship is not the universe but a vessel traveling through it. He reveals the history of the ship and its failed mission to colonize Centaurus.

A Plea for Information, The Captain's Decision, and The Ambush

A man named Hoiland pleads with his uncle to speak with the captain of a ship. He claims to have information of tremendous importance and a truce for the mutants. The captain, skeptical but intrigued, decides to investigate Hoiland's claims. He orders an expedition to be outfitted and expresses trust in Manderist to make the necessary arrangements. Hoiland and his men approach the ship's main control, but are met with hostility. The lieutenant, suspicious of a trap, warns Hoiland of the danger, but the captain insists on proceeding.

The Leader's Vision and A Man's Desperation

The captain and his men discover the leader of the mutants has been killed. Hoiland, distraught, reveals the leader's vision for the ship and the future of humanity, accusing the captain of killing him out of fear and prejudice. Sam Carnell, a gambler who has lost everything, decides to hire a hitman to kill him. He believes his family will be better off with his life insurance money.

A Twist of Fate, A Race Against Time, and The Chase

Sam receives a telegram from Harry, his partner, informing him that their oil well has struck oil. Sam is overjoyed, but his joy is short-lived as he realizes he has already hired a hitman to kill him. Sam tells his wife Catherine about his plan to hire a hitman and his fear of being killed. Catherine doesn't believe him at first, but eventually agrees to leave with him. Sam, convinced he is being followed, drives around town trying to lose his pursuer. He eventually finds himself in a building with a detective agency and hires a bodyguard.

The Bodyguard, The Final Confrontation, and A Deadly Invitation

Sam brings his bodyguard, Harrison, home and tells his wife about the situation. Catherine is skeptical, but Sam insists on keeping Harrison as a precaution. Sam, still fearing for his life, tries to escape his house through the window. He is caught in a car crash and dies. Simone, a woman with a rich and indulgent husband, receives an invitation from Harry Quenor to spend New Year's Eve at his house. She is reluctant to go, but her husband Stephen convinces her to accept.

A Fatal Journey, A Shocking Discovery, and The Immortal Soul

Stephen and Simone drive to Harry's house, but their car runs out of petrol in the middle of a blizzard. Stephen, suffering from a heart condition, decides to walk to Robin Margo's house for help. Harry and Vivian find Stephen frozen to death in the snow. The doctor, accepting Vivian's story of Stephen getting lost in the blizzard, pronounces him dead. Stephen, trapped in his own body, realizes he is clinically dead but his spirit is still alive. He is unable to communicate with the living and witnesses his wife and friends organizing his funeral.

The Cremation, A New Beginning, and The Final Phone Call

Stephen, trapped in his coffin, is horrified as he hears the priest prepare to cremate his body. He pleads with Simone to stop them, but his pleas go unheard. Simone, grieving for Stephen, talks about her plans for the future. She plans to sell the house and travel abroad with Harry. Simone receives a phone call from Harry, who pretends to be Stephen. He tells her he is fine and that he had to go back to the car.

The Giant Brain and The Telepathic Indicator

Miss Saint Claire, an assistant to Professor Rodano, decides to leave his laboratory. She is horrified by his experiments with robots and believes he is playing with madness and death. Jim Branden, a biochemist, is working on a telepathic indicator. He receives a strong thought impression from a tower, possibly struck by lightning. He also picks up an impression of suffering, possibly from animals.

The Midvale Mystery, The Mysterious Death of Joe Isaac, and The Capture of Fern and Dr. Towns

Jim and Fern, his assistant, decide to investigate the stolen animals and the fox farm raid. They head to Midvale, where they encounter a man running across a field. Jim tries to stop him, but the man escapes. The episode begins with the discovery of Joe Isaac's body, found dead in the barn. A man named Harry Sampler claims to have witnessed the murder, describing a \"big man\" who killed Joe with an iron hand. Fern and Dr. Towns are captured by Rodano, who intends to use their brains for his experiment. He reveals his plan to create a super-powered robot by combining human and animal brains.

The Arrival of the Police and Harry's Reward, The Avenger's Plan and the Soundproof Basement, and The Aftermath of the Giant Brain Experiment

The police arrive at the scene of the crime, and Harry is questioned about the events. He is promised a reward of ten dollars for telling the truth. The Avenger, disguised as a visitor, enters Rodano's house. He plans to use a diffusion capsule to become invisible and confront Rodano. Meanwhile, Fern and Dr. Towns are trapped in a soundproof basement. The episode concludes with the aftermath of the events. The police confiscate the robots and the giant brain is taken to a research laboratory. Fern and Jim discuss the events and the tragic fate of Professor Rodano.

The Madman's Jealousy and Conspiracy, The Madman's Identity Crisis and Royal Aspirations, and The Madman's Reign in Spain and the Moon's Fragility

The transcript begins with the Madman expressing his jealousy and suspicion towards others, particularly a \"divisional chief\" who he believes harbors hatred for him. He then delves into his own desires for power and wealth, fantasizing about becoming a high official and watching others \"jump around\" for his benefit. The Madman grapples with his identity, questioning his own existence and purpose. He contemplates the possibility of being a \"clock\" or a \"general,\" drawing parallels to historical figures who rose from humble beginnings to positions of power. He then declares himself to be the King of Spain, a revelation that he believes came to him in a flash. The Madman recounts his arrival in Spain and the strange customs he encounters, including being shaved bald and having cold water poured on his head. He expresses confusion and fear, wondering if he has fallen into the hands of the Inquisition. He then delves into a bizarre conversation about the moon, claiming it is made in Hamburg and is in danger of being \"mounted\" by the earth.

The Grand Inquisitor's Visit and the Rooster's Secret, The Madman's Escape and Journey Home, and The End of the Madman's Story

The Grand Inquisitor visits the Madman, but he remains hidden and unseen. The Madman then shares a strange discovery about roosters, claiming that each rooster has his own \"Spain\" hidden under his feathers. He continues to express his suffering and confusion, pleading for someone to save him. The Madman escapes from Spain, riding in a carriage with horses \"swift as wind.\" He sees the sky, stars, and moon as he travels, and eventually glimpses his childhood home in the distance. He calls out to his mother, asking her to save him from the world that has rejected him. The narrator announces the end of \"The Diary of a Madman\" by Nikolai Gogol. The production credits are then listed, including the actors and crew involved in the broadcast.

Box 13: Dan Holiday and the Mysterious Postcard, Johnny Moran's Plea for Help and Dan Holiday's Promise, and The District Attorney's Version of Events and Dan Holiday's Investigation

The story shifts to \"Box 13,\" a radio drama starring Dan Holiday, a writer who receives a mysterious postcard from a young boy named Johnny Moran. Johnny claims to have an important matter to discuss with Holiday, and Holiday decides to meet him at his newspaper stand. Johnny reveals that his father, John Moran, has been arrested for grand theft. Johnny insists on his father's innocence and asks Holiday to help him get his father out of jail. Holiday, despite his doubts, promises to help Johnny. Holiday visits the district attorney, who presents the evidence against John Moran. The district attorney claims that Moran was involved in the jewelry store robbery, but Holiday suspects that there is more to the story. He decides to investigate further.

Johnny's Disappearance and Dan Holiday's Pursuit, Grace Willard's Deception and Dan Holiday's Capture, and Johnny's Accident and Grace Willard's Escape

Johnny calls Holiday again, reporting that a strange man is in his apartment and that he is afraid. Holiday rushes to Johnny's apartment, but Johnny has disappeared. He then visits Grace Willard, the woman who sent Moran to the jewelry store, and learns that Johnny has not been there. Grace Willard, seemingly concerned about Johnny's disappearance, offers Holiday coffee. However, the coffee is drugged, and Holiday falls unconscious. He wakes up in an alley, realizing that Grace has drugged him and left him there. Holiday learns that Johnny has been hit by a car and is in the hospital. He also learns that Grace Willard has checked out of her hotel. Holiday suspects that Grace is involved in Johnny's accident and sets out to find her.

Johnny's Testimony and the Truth Revealed, The Dance Hall and the Final Confrontation, and The Truth Unfolds and Justice Prevails

Holiday visits Johnny in the hospital, where Johnny confirms that he was deliberately hit by a car. He describes the driver as a tall man with gray hair and a brown suit. Holiday realizes that the driver is Joe Coakley, the man who lived across the hall from Johnny. Holiday follows Joe Coakley and Grace Willard to a dance hall. He recognizes Coakley and confirms his identity with Johnny. Holiday then confronts Coakley and Grace, revealing that he knows about their crimes. Holiday exposes Coakley and Grace's plan to frame John Moran and steal the jewelry. He calls the district attorney, who arrives and arrests Coakley and Grace. John Moran is released from jail, and Johnny receives a reward for his help in recovering the stolen jewelry.

A Murderous Plot, The Aftermath, and The Trial and Conviction

The story begins with a tense conversation between Elliott Preston and his employer, Mr. Mitchell. Preston reveals a revolver and announces his intention to kill Mitchell, citing his wife's desire for Mitchell's money and island. Preston shoots Mitchell and then disposes of the body, framing Otto Holcher, a delivery man, for the crime. He carefully plants evidence and calls the police, setting up a scenario that points to Otto as the murderer. Preston testifies against Otto, claiming he witnessed the crime and managed to subdue Otto before he could shoot him. Otto's defense is weak, and he is convicted and sentenced to death in the electric chair.

Barbara's Doubts, The Execution, and Otto's Escape

Barbara, Mitchell's wife, expresses her doubts about Otto's guilt, sensing that he might be innocent. She questions Preston's motives and his lack of remorse for Mitchell's death. Preston anxiously awaits Otto's execution, feeling a sense of unease despite his claims of having no sympathy for Otto. He reveals his fear of Otto's hatred and his desire to see him dead. The story takes a dramatic turn as a news announcement reveals that Otto has escaped from prison. Preston is terrified, realizing that Otto is now free to seek revenge.

A Race Against Time, Barbara's Revelation, and A Confrontation

Preston and Barbara attempt to flee to the nearest police precinct, but their car won't start. Preston's anxiety grows as he realizes that Otto could arrive at any moment. Barbara confronts Preston, accusing him of being the true murderer of her husband. She reveals her suspicion that he framed Otto to eliminate him and secure her money. Preston hides in Barbara's house, fearing for his life. He hears Otto entering the house and hides in the darkness. He is eventually found by a policeman who informs him that Otto has been recaptured.

The Lobometer, A Criminal Partnership, and A New Life of Crime

The story shifts to a new character, Chet Chetter, a storyteller in Morgham. He introduces a young inventor who has created a device called the Lobometer, capable of transmitting information directly into the human brain. The inventor's brother, a criminal, convinces him to use the Lobometer for illegal purposes. They use it to steal credit card numbers and other sensitive information from a credit bureau. The inventor, now deeply involved in a life of crime, enjoys the thrill of his new lifestyle. He has become addicted to the power and profit his invention brings.

The Final Confrontation and A Deadly Dream

The inventor, determined to be the boss, plans to eliminate the only man standing in his way. He makes a final adjustment to the Lobometer, giving it the ability to transmit images directly into the brain. The inventor uses the Lobometer to create a dream-like experience for his brother, transporting him to a tropical island. However, the dream turns into a nightmare as the island becomes populated by dangerous creatures.


Built Bars

Built Bars are protein bars marketed as a low-carb, high-protein alternative to traditional candy bars. They are known for their variety of flavors and their ability to satisfy sweet cravings while adhering to a low-carb diet.

Hero Bread

Hero Bread is a brand of zero-carb bread alternatives. They offer a range of products, including sandwich bread, hot dog buns, hamburger buns, and tortillas, all claiming to have zero net carbs.


Resurrectionists were individuals who illegally procured cadavers for medical schools in the 19th century. They often resorted to grave robbing and even murder to obtain bodies for dissection and anatomical study.

Body Snatching

Body snatching is the illegal practice of exhuming or stealing corpses for various purposes, including anatomical study, medical research, or even black magic. It was a common practice in the 19th century, particularly in England.


Jordan is a fictional character in the X Minus 1 episode \"Universe.\" He is a scientist who created the spaceship and established the regulations governing its inhabitants. He is revered as a deity by the ship's inhabitants.


Mutants are a group of people who live on the upper levels of the spaceship in the X Minus 1 episode \"Universe.\" They are descendants of rebels who defied Jordan and are considered outcasts by the ship's main population.

The Trip

The Trip is a central concept in the X Minus 1 episode \"Universe.\" It refers to the journey of the spaceship and the belief that upon death, the soul makes a trip to Taurus, a place of happiness and good eating.

Telepathic Indicator

A fictional device that allows the user to pick up thought waves from a distance. This technology is often used in science fiction to explore themes of communication, mind control, and the nature of consciousness.


A machine that is able to perform tasks automatically, often mimicking human actions. Robots are frequently featured in science fiction, raising questions about artificial intelligence, the future of work, and the relationship between humans and machines.


  • What are Built Bars and how do they help with a low-carb diet?

    Built Bars are protein bars that are low-carb and high-protein, making them a good alternative to traditional candy bars for those following a low-carb diet. They can help satisfy sweet cravings without derailing your dietary goals.

  • What is Hero Bread and what makes it unique?

    Hero Bread is a brand of zero-carb bread alternatives. They offer a range of products, including sandwich bread, hot dog buns, and hamburger buns, all claiming to have zero net carbs. This allows people on low-carb diets to enjoy bread-based foods without compromising their dietary restrictions.

  • What were Resurrectionists and why were they considered criminals?

    Resurrectionists were individuals who illegally procured cadavers for medical schools in the 19th century. They often resorted to grave robbing and even murder to obtain bodies for dissection and anatomical study. This practice was considered a crime due to its violation of societal norms and respect for the dead.

  • What is the significance of the ship in the X Minus 1 episode \"Universe\"?

    The ship is a central element in the episode, representing both a vessel for travel and a prison for its inhabitants. It is a self-contained world, governed by Jordan's regulations and beliefs. The ship's true nature and its journey through the universe are revealed to be a secret from its inhabitants.

  • What is the nature of the information that Hoiland claims to have?

    Hoiland claims to have information of tremendous importance about the ship and a truce for the mutants. He believes this information is vital for the captain to know.

  • Why does the captain decide to investigate Hoiland's claims?

    The captain is skeptical but intrigued by Hoiland's claims. He decides to investigate because he believes it is worth risking a few lives to learn the truth.

  • What is the leader of the mutants' vision for the future?

    The leader of the mutants had a vision for the ship and the future of humanity. He believed the ship could be used to bring freedom, purpose, and respect to all people.

  • Why does Sam Carnell decide to hire a hitman?

    Sam is desperate after losing everything. He believes his family will be better off financially if he dies and they receive his life insurance money.

  • What happens to Sam Carnell in the end?

    Sam is caught in a car crash and dies. It is unclear whether the crash was an accident or a deliberate act by the hitman.

  • Why is Simone reluctant to go to Harry Quenor's house?

    Simone doesn't like Harry and finds him amusing but not particularly interesting. She is also concerned about the potential for a blizzard and the disruption to her routine.

Show Notes

CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
00:00:00 .000 = Show Open
00:01:56 .104 = CBS Radio Mystery Theater, “The Body Snatchers” (December 05, 1974)
00:47:01 .215 = X Minus One, “Universe” (May 15, 1955)
01:15:16 .359 = ABC Mystery Time, “No One Will Ever Know” (ADU) ***WD
01:39:40 .030 = Appointment With Fear, “My Fate Cries Out” (ADU)
02:08:00 .818 = The Avenger, “The Mysteries of the Giant Brain” (June 15, 1945) ***WD
02:35:47 .678 = Beyond The Green Door, “Dr. James Neal And Bowler” (ADU)
02:39:43 .703 = Beyond Midnight, “Short Circuit” (January 03, 1969)
03:05:37 .745 = The Black Mass, “Diary of a Madman” (December 16, 1964)
03:45:31 .305 = Box 13, “Extra Extra” (September 19, 1948)
04:12:30 .201 = The Chase, “Framed For Murder” (March 01, 1953)
04:42:14 .149 = Chet Chetter’s Tales From The Morgue, “Interface To Terror” (ADU)
05:10:09 .823 = Show Close

***WD = Remastered by Weird Darkness
(ADU) = Air Date Unknown
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library
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"I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
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WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2024, Weird Darkness.
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Originally aired: July 21, 2024

CUSTOM WEBPAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/WDRR20240721
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Old-Time Radio Marathon: JULY 21, 2024 #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

Old-Time Radio Marathon: JULY 21, 2024 #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

Darren Marlar