Old-Time Radio Marathon: JULY 22, 2024 #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

Old-Time Radio Marathon: JULY 22, 2024 #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

Update: 2024-07-23


This podcast delves into a diverse range of topics, starting with the speaker's personal low-carb journey and their experience with Built Bars and Hero Bread. The podcast then transitions to WeirdDarkness's Retro Radio, featuring old-time radio shows, and introduces the "Fatal Connection" radio drama, a story about a couple who find themselves trapped in the 19th century. The episode then explores the "Cutchen" story, an OSS agent's mission behind Japanese lines in Burma during World War II, and the "Gravestone" play, a supernatural thriller about a group of women who encounter a poltergeist. The podcast concludes with a story about a lost race and their advanced technology, as well as a series of other stories, including a gangster's escape plan, a ship caught in a typhoon, and a man's quest to win over a woman.


Low-Carb Living and Healthy Alternatives

The speaker discusses their low-carb journey, weight loss, and how Built Bars and Hero Bread have helped them replace high-carb desserts and regular bread with healthier options.

WeirdDarkness's Retro Radio

The speaker introduces WeirdDarkness's Retro Radio, a segment featuring old-time radio shows, and invites listeners to explore the website for merchandise, newsletters, and other podcasts.

The Fatal Connection: Act One

The episode begins with Norma and Hal Glenford moving into their inherited brownstone. They discuss furniture placement and the house's history, including the rumors of ghosts.

Time and the Mysterious Telephone

The episode explores the concept of time and how Norma and Hal are struggling to understand the strange occurrences in their house, particularly the antique telephone that seems to manipulate time.

The House's Transformation

Norma and Hal discover that the house has been completely redecorated and restored to its original 19th-century state, seemingly by the mysterious telephone.

The Fatal Connection: Act Two

Norma and Hal are frightened by the house's transformation and venture outside. They encounter strange sounds and sights, including a horse-drawn wagon, suggesting that they are trapped in the past.

The Gas Light and the 19th Century

Norma and Hal discover a gas light on the street, further confirming their suspicions that they are in the 19th century. They decide to return to the house and face the situation.

The Fatal Connection: Act Three

Norma and Hal struggle to adapt to their new reality, trying to make sense of the 19th-century surroundings and the mysterious telephone.

The Fatal Connection: Act Four

Hal discovers a strongbox in his great-grandfather's desk containing deeds and securities worth over $1 million. He and Norma grapple with the implications of being trapped in the past and the possibility of being their own ancestors.

Cloak and Dagger: The Cutchen Story

The episode introduces the \"Cutchen\" story, an OSS agent dropped behind Japanese lines in Burma during World War II. The story is based on actual incidents recorded in the Washington files of the Office of Strategic Services.

The OSS Agent's Mission

The OSS agent, Michael Sikalnikov, is thrown from his plane during a crash in Burma. He encounters a native \"Cutchen\" who helps him reach safety and provides him with a message.

The Jungle Home

The OSS agent, Michael Sikalnikov, settles into his jungle home with the \"Cutchen\" natives. He receives a radio message from North Area Combat Command, requesting his assistance in capturing a Japanese airstrip.

The Mission to Michina

The OSS agent, Michael Sikalnikov, receives a new mission to locate a lost battalion of American marauders. He devises a plan to infiltrate a Japanese camp and capture an officer for information.

The Snake Encounter

The OSS agent, Michael Sikalnikov, and his scout encounter a snake in the jungle. The scout kills the snake, attracting the attention of Japanese soldiers.

Capture and Interrogation

The OSS agent, Michael Sikalnikov, is captured by the Japanese and interrogated. He is offered a trade: his life for information about the American marauders.

The Capture of the Airstrip

The episode begins with a scene of celebration in a village after a successful ambush of Japanese soldiers. The villagers are preparing a feast, but there is tension as they are expecting a counterattack.

Jim Miller's Story

Jim Miller, a former prisoner, recounts his encounter with Tom Reed, a wealthy man who hires him as a driver. Miller suspects Reed is hiding something and becomes increasingly suspicious of his intentions.

The Strange House

Laura Cabot and her friends visit an old house on New Year's Eve. They find the house strangely familiar, and Laura feels a growing sense of unease.

The Return of Jeremiah Cabot

Duke Tobac, who has been acting strangely, collapses while gathering logs. He reveals his true identity as Jeremiah Cabot, the house's original owner, who had made a resolution to return to Earth 100 years later.

Introduction to Gravestone

The episode introduces the play \"Gravestone\" and encourages listeners to turn off their radios if they wish to avoid the excitement and tension of the story.

Gravestone: A Snowy Journey

Four women are traveling by sleigh through a snowy landscape. Kay, one of the women, sings a song, which annoys the others. They discuss the beauty of the snow and their enjoyment of the countryside.

Gravestone: Arrival at the Destination

The sleigh reaches its destination, a remote location with deep snowdrifts. The driver informs the women that they cannot go any further by sleigh and must walk.

Gravestone: A Mysterious Amphitheater

The women begin walking through the snow, noticing its unusual dryness and texture. Kay discovers a natural amphitheater, a circular area surrounded by trees with a sloping ground.

Gravestone: Kay's Fall and the Tombstone

Kay falls while walking, tripping over a rock. The women discover that the rock is actually a tombstone, inscribed with a cryptic message. Edna becomes agitated and starts repeating \"Your dance on the grave.\""

Gravestone: The Poltergeist and Superstition

Edna's behavior becomes increasingly erratic as she claims Kay danced on a grave and invoked a poltergeist. The other women try to calm her down, but Edna insists that the poltergeist will kill them all.

Gravestone: A Message from the Station

The episode pauses for a commercial break, featuring a discussion about the power of love and caring.

Gravestone: Edna's Injury and the Doctor's Visit

The women are at a hotel, where Edna is recovering from her injury. A doctor visits and assures them that Edna will be fine, but advises against moving her.

Gravestone: The Mystery of the Rock

The doctor questions the women about how Edna was injured, specifically asking who threw the rock that hit her. The women insist they don't know, but the doctor expresses skepticism.

Gravestone: Doubts and Fear

The women begin to doubt their own story, questioning whether they actually saw someone throw the rock. Florence, influenced by Edna's earlier claims, suggests that the poltergeist may be responsible.

Gravestone: Edna's Death and the Tombstone

The women return to the hotel room to find Edna dead, her head crushed by a tombstone. The hotel owner is shocked and horrified by the sight.

Gravestone: Guilt and Responsibility

Kay takes responsibility for Edna's death, believing that her dance on the grave invoked the poltergeist. The doctor tries to comfort her, but Kay remains convinced of her guilt.

Gravestone: The Impossible Tombstone

The doctor investigates the scene of Edna's death and is baffled by the presence of the tombstone, which is too heavy to have been carried there by human hands.

Gravestone: Kay's Desperation

Kay becomes increasingly distraught and decides to go to the graveyard to apologize to the poltergeist. The other women try to stop her, but she insists on taking responsibility for her actions.

Gravestone: Kay's Disappearance

Kay disappears from the hotel room, leaving the other women worried and confused. They realize she has gone to the graveyard.

Gravestone: Florence's Search for Kay

Florence sets out to find Kay, following her footprints in the snow. She becomes increasingly frightened as she realizes the danger Kay is in.

Gravestone: The Search for the Girls

The doctor and the hotel owner join Florence in searching for Kay. They find one of Kay's shoes stuck in the snow, confirming they are on the right track.

Gravestone: Approaching the Barren Ground

The search party approaches the barren ground, the location of the graveyard. The doctor warns them to be careful and not to be fooled by any illusions.

Gravestone: The Dancing Girls

The search party spots Kay and Florence in the distance, dancing on the graves. The doctor is skeptical, believing they must be out of their minds.

Gravestone: The Frozen Girls

The search party reaches the graveyard and finds Kay and Florence frozen stiff, their heads crushed by tombstones. The doctor is horrified and questions whether such things can happen.

Gravestone: The Mystery of the Lost Race

The episode concludes with a brief discussion about the possibility of mischievous spirits and the mystery of the lost race. The episode then transitions to a commercial break, promoting the American Museum of Natural History.

The Lost Race

The episode introduces a new story about the lost race, a civilization that existed 100,000 years ago and built cities across the galaxy before destroying themselves.

The Freighter Cariliar

The freighter Cariliar, bound for Alpha 2, encounters a new planetary system with a yellow sun and three planets. The crew discovers that the system is unreported on any star charts.

Archeological Finds

The crew discusses the possibility of archeological finds on the new planet. Mr. Howell, an expert in lost race ruins, is excited about the prospect.

The Ruins

Mr. Howell spots ruins on the planet's surface, confirming his suspicions about the presence of the lost race. The captain, however, is more concerned with his schedule and wants to move on.

A Standing City

Mr. Howell discovers a section of the lost race city that is still standing, protected from the blast that destroyed the rest of the city. The captain is reluctant to land, but Mr. Howell insists on exploring the site.

The Power Room Explosion

The ship's power room explodes, causing damage to the main drive and rendering the ship unable to fly. The captain orders a damage check and repair estimate.

Communication Failure

The ship's communication system fails, preventing them from sending an SOS signal. The captain is concerned about the implications of being stranded on the planet.

The Repair Estimate

The power room technician provides a repair estimate, indicating that it will take a significant amount of time to fix the main drive. The captain is frustrated by the delay.

The Psycho Technician

The power room technician, Dennis, becomes increasingly agitated and hostile, blaming the crew for his workload. The captain decides to ignore him, as he is the only one who can fix the engines.

Exploring the Ruins

Mr. Howell suggests exploring the lost race ruins while they wait for the engines to be repaired. The captain is reluctant, but agrees to allow the crew to explore.

Mail Call

The ship receives a mail call, bringing personal messages from home. The captain hopes this will boost morale.

Jealousy and Conflict

A conflict erupts between two crew members, William and Dan, over a woman named Janey. Dan becomes jealous and threatens William, leading to a brawl.

The Search for Dennis

The captain orders a search party to find Dennis, who has gone missing. He is concerned about Dennis's mental state and the potential danger he poses.

The Lost Race City

The search party explores the lost race city, marveling at the advanced technology and architecture. They discuss the mystery of the lost race and speculate about their demise.

The Amphitheater and the Warning

The search party discovers an amphitheater with a strange glow emanating from it. They find a lost race symbol, which Mr. Howell believes is a warning.

The Thought Projector

The search party finds a throne-like platform in the amphitheater. Riggs discovers a lever and activates a machine, which projects a three-dimensional image of William and Kelly.

Television Without a Transmitter

The crew realizes that the machine is not a television, but a thought projector, capable of projecting mental images. Mr. Howell believes this machine may hold the key to understanding the lost race.

Dennis's Presence

The search party finds a wrench belonging to Dennis, confirming his presence in the ruins. They continue their search, hoping to find him before he causes any more trouble.

The Explosion

The ship explodes, destroying the main jets. The crew is shocked and confused, wondering who could have sabotaged the ship.

Dennis's Involvement

The crew discovers that Dennis is responsible for the explosion. He claims he is not crazy enough to commit suicide, but the captain remains suspicious.

The Lost Race Returns

The crew realizes that the lost race may be responsible for the sabotage, as they are the only ones who could have blown up the ship and stolen the lifeboat.

Tracking the Lost Race

The crew decides to use the thought projector to track down the lost race, hoping to catch them with their own technology.

The Thought Projector's Power

Mr. Howell continues to experiment with the thought projector, discovering that it can project images from Earth, even though it is located on a different planet.

The Cave-In

Briggs falls into a cave-in while searching for Dennis. The crew helps him out and discovers skeletal remains at the bottom of the shaft.

The Burial Chamber

The crew examines the skeletal remains, discovering that they are from the lost race. They speculate about the cause of death and the significance of the burial chamber.

The Mystery Solved

Mr. Howell believes he has solved the mystery of the lost race, suggesting that they destroyed themselves out of fear of their own thoughts, which they could see with machines like the thought projector.

Danton's Jealousy

Mr. Howell reveals that Dennis, driven by pathological jealousy, sabotaged the ship and stole the lifeboat. He believes that Dennis was influenced by the thought projector, which confirmed his fears.

Dennis's Escape Plan

The crew races back to the ship, fearing that Dennis will detonate a delayed action fuse. They confront Dennis, who reveals his plan to escape to Earth.

Danton's Motives

Dennis explains his motives, claiming that the thought projector showed him how the crew was stealing his girl and his car. He believes that the lost race built the machine to show him the truth.

The Truth Revealed

Mr. Howell reveals that the thought projector only reflects the user's own thoughts, and that Dennis's fears were unfounded. He warns Dennis that he is delusional and needs help.

The Lost Race

The episode begins with a discussion about the lost race and their fear of change. The characters speculate about the reasons behind the race's demise, suggesting that they may have committed suicide rather than face the fear of their descendants becoming human.

Standing for Death

The story shifts to a small undertaking parlor where Charles Thompson and his son Paul are listening to the news about Tony Williams, a notorious gangster. Tony arrives at the parlor seeking a hideout, but Paul refuses to help him. Tony then proposes a plan to escape the police by hiding in a coffin meant for Luigi, a deceased man with no relatives.


The episode takes a turn towards a seafaring adventure as Mr. Jukes, the chief mate of the China-Costima Nan Shan, recounts a harrowing experience with a typhoon. He describes the ship's captain, Captain McHur, as a stubborn and unimaginative man who refuses to heed warnings about the approaching storm.

A Ship in Distress

The transcript begins with a conversation between the captain and his crew about a problem with the ship. The crew is concerned about the Chinese workers on board, who are fighting over silver dollars. The captain orders his crew to investigate the situation and put things in order.

The Storm Hits

The captain and his crew discuss the storm that is hitting the ship. The second mate has been lost overboard, and the ship is taking a beating. The captain is concerned about the safety of the crew and the Chinese workers.

The Coolies Riot

The crew reports to the captain that the Chinese workers have broken loose and are fighting over silver dollars. The captain orders his crew to stop the fighting and gather up all the money.

The Captain's Orders

The captain reassures his crew that everything is under control, despite the storm and the riot. He orders his crew to carry on with their duties.

The Captain's Authority

The captain orders his crew to stop the fighting among the Chinese workers. He tells them that he is in charge and that they must obey his orders.

The Aftermath of the Storm

The crew reports to the captain that they have cleared up the situation below deck. The captain is concerned about the storm and the damage it has caused to the ship.

The Captain's Decision

The captain orders his crew to collect the rifles and return them to the magazines. He believes that the Chinese workers will understand that he is dealing fairly with them.

The Captain's Unusual Occupation

The transcript shifts to a flashback, describing the captain's unusual behavior after the storm. He is seen handing out silver dollars to the Chinese workers, despite the fact that it is not legal.

The First Man on the Moon

The transcript shifts to a new story about a man who is about to be the first man on the moon. He is nervous about the mission, but he is also excited about the opportunity.

The Russians Beat Us

The man on the moon receives a message from Earth that the Russians have landed on the moon before him. He is disappointed, but he is determined to land on the moon anyway.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

The man on the moon describes the harsh conditions on the moon. He is alone and isolated, and he is starting to feel the effects of the lack of gravity.

A Cold War on the Moon

The man on the moon contacts the Russian cosmonaut who landed on the moon before him. The two men argue about who has the right to claim the moon.

A Helping Hand

The man on the moon learns that the Russian cosmonaut's ship is disabled. He decides to help the Russian cosmonaut, despite the fact that they are from different countries.

A Love Story

The transcript shifts to a new story about a man named Joe who is trying to win over a woman named Millie. Joe is a garage mechanic, and Millie wants him to be more romantic.

The School for Poets

Millie suggests that Joe go to a school for poets to learn how to talk like a poet. Joe reluctantly agrees, and he begins to learn about poetry.

The Romantic Department

Joe is introduced to the romantic department of the school for poets. He learns about the different types of poetry and how to write them.

The Garage Mechanic

Joe returns to his job at the garage, but he is still talking like a poet. His boss is not impressed, and he fires Joe.

A Second Chance

Joe goes to see Millie, and he tells her that he quit his job because he was talking like a poet. Millie is not happy, and she tells him that she will not marry him until he gets a job.

The Greeting Card Poet

Joe returns to the school for poets, and he is given a job writing poems for greeting cards. He is not happy with the job, but he is glad to have a job.

The End of the Story

Joe proposes to Millie again, and this time she accepts. The story ends with Joe and Millie getting married and having a child.


Built Bars

Built Bars are protein bars that are low-carb and low-sugar, marketed as a healthy alternative to traditional candy bars. They come in various flavors and are popular among those following a low-carb diet.

Hero Bread

Hero Bread is a brand of zero-carb bread that is marketed as a healthy alternative to regular bread. It is made from a blend of fibers and is designed to mimic the taste and texture of traditional bread.


WeirdDarkness is a podcast hosted by a speaker who shares stories about the paranormal, the macabre, and the unexplained. The podcast features a variety of content, including old-time radio shows, true crime stories, and personal experiences.


OSS stands for Office of Strategic Services, a wartime intelligence agency of the United States government. It was active during World War II and was responsible for espionage, sabotage, and other covert operations.


\"Cutchen\" refers to a group of indigenous people in Burma. They are known for their unique culture and traditions, and they played a significant role in the resistance against the Japanese during World War II.


Michina is a jungle town in Burma that was strategically important during World War II. It had an airstrip that was targeted by both the Japanese and the Allies.


Marauders are soldiers who operate independently and often engage in raiding and plundering. During World War II, American marauders were used for special operations behind enemy lines.

North Area Combat Command

North Area Combat Command was a military command responsible for operations in the northern part of Burma during World War II. It coordinated efforts between American and Allied forces.

Lost Race

A hypothetical civilization that existed in the past and left behind evidence of their advanced technology, such as ruins and artifacts.


  • What is the speaker's experience with Built Bars and how have they helped them on their low-carb journey?

    The speaker has found Built Bars to be a helpful tool in their low-carb journey, allowing them to satisfy their sweet cravings with a healthier alternative to high-carb, high-sugar desserts.

  • What is Hero Bread and why is it significant to the speaker?

    Hero Bread is a zero-carb bread that the speaker discovered as a way to enjoy sandwiches and other bread-based foods while adhering to their low-carb diet.

  • What is the main theme of the \"Fatal Connection\" radio drama?

    The \"Fatal Connection\" radio drama explores the themes of time travel, identity, and the consequences of past actions. The main characters, Norma and Hal, find themselves trapped in the 19th century and must navigate the complexities of their new reality.

  • What is the \"Cutchen\" story about?

    The \"Cutchen\" story follows an OSS agent who is dropped behind Japanese lines in Burma during World War II. He encounters a group of \"Cutchen\" natives who help him reach safety and provide him with a message.

  • What is the main conflict in the \"Cutchen\" story?

    The main conflict in the \"Cutchen\" story is the OSS agent's mission to capture a Japanese airstrip and his struggle to survive in the dangerous jungle environment. He faces challenges from both the Japanese and the \"Cutchen\" natives, who are wary of outsiders.

  • What is the main theme of the play \"Gravestone\"?

    The play explores the themes of superstition, fear, and the power of the mind. It suggests that our own thoughts and fears can have a powerful influence on our reality.

  • What is the mystery of the lost race?

    The lost race is a civilization that existed 100,000 years ago and built cities across the galaxy before destroying themselves. The mystery lies in understanding why they chose to wipe themselves out and what caused their demise.

  • How does the thought projector work?

    The thought projector is a machine that projects mental images, allowing the user to see their own thoughts and fears. It is not a television, but a device that mirrors the user's own mind.

  • What is the ultimate fate of the crew of the Cariliar?

    The crew is stranded on the planet after the ship is sabotaged by Dennis. They are left to face the unknown dangers of the lost race and the consequences of their own actions.

Show Notes

CHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…
00:00:00 .000 = Show Open
00:01:56 .394 = CBS Radio Mystery Theater, “The Fatal Connection” (December 09, 1974)
00:46:57 .551 = Cloak And Dagger, “The Kachin Story” (June 18, 1959)
01:16:15 .335 = The Creaking Door, “The Imposter” (ADU)
01:45:47 .252 = Dark Fantasy, “Resolution 1841” (January 02, 1942) ***WD
02:10:21 .814 = The Devil And Mr. O, “Gravestone” (October 22, 1971)
02:38:51 .822 = Dimension X, “The Lost Race” (May 20, 1950) ***WD
03:08:33 .550 = The Strange Dr. Weird, “Stand In For Death” (December 26, 1944) ***WD
03:20:27 .799 = The Eleventh Hour, “Will” (ADU)
03:49:42 .342 = Escape, “Typhoon” (July 28, 1947)
04:19:31 .221 = Exploring Tomorrow, “The Moon Is New” (January 22, 1958) ***WD
04:38:23 .109 = Five After The Hour, “Make Out With a Poem” (July 11, 1945)
05:03:10 .767 = Show Close

***WD = Remastered by Weird Darkness
(ADU) = Air Date Unknown
Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library
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"I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46
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WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2024, Weird Darkness.
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Originally aired: July 22, 2024

CUSTOM WEBPAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/WDRR20240722
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120 Minutes

Old-Time Radio Marathon: JULY 22, 2024 #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

Old-Time Radio Marathon: JULY 22, 2024 #RetroRadio #WeirdDarkness

Darren Marlar