Olive The Other Reindeer
For the third year doing this, I have an episode starting out the Christmas series with a special that has way too many references to The Simpsons.
Part 1: Welcome to The Christmas Series
Part 2: Olive, 25 years later
Part 3: Made as a “Joke”
Part 4: The Simpsons Lore
Part 5: The References
Part 6: REM?
Part 7: Martini
Part 8: Rudolph vs. Olive
Part 9: Why I recommend it
Part 10: What’s Next??
My Inglorious Ink series! - https://www.amazon.com/stores/Samantha-Parrish/author/B0BNQ2D7D1?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
I'm on Goodreads! - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20042112.Samantha_Parrish
How To Support The Show! - https://ko-fi.com/queenofthescreen#linkModal
Articles I've written - https://vocal.media/authors/samantha-parrish
My Linktree
Cover art by Emily Whitacre (https://teenytinycoffeebean.carrd.co/)