On-Chain Treasuries and Fund Management: Centrifuge and Anemoy
In this episode of Bitcoin, Fiat & Rock’n’Roll, Stefan Grasmann and Manuel Klein sit down with Martin Quensel, Co-founder of Centrifuge and Anemoy and CEO and CPO of Anemoy. First, we get to hear Martin’s impressive journey from SAP to co-founder of supply chain finance fintech Taulia –acquired by SAP in 2022 – into the blockchain industry.
We then explore the mechanics of government bond tokenization and how centrifuge creates an experience that is coming as close as possible to native government bond issuance on chain. We further discuss how funds that include those treasury bonds can be created and which benefits smart contracts bring in full fund lifecycle automation.
Martin further explains the competitive landscape in managing bonds, treasury bills and funds on chain and where he sees the industry developing. We further discuss the Tokenization Grand Prix from Sky (formerly dai and makerDAO), which where next to Centrifuge also big Asset Management names like Blackrock, Wisdom Tree, Franklin Templeton, Fidelity and SocGen Forge participate.
This episode offers a comprehensive insight into the convergence of traditional finance and blockchain technology in the asset management space – namely government bond issuance and funds management. It is astonishing how the asset management area is embracing public permissionless blockchains whereas the banking industry is rather looking at private permissioned networks. Have fun listening to the episode!
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Tokenization Grand Prix Bewerbung von Centrifuge und Anemoy
Martin Quensel on LinkedIn
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