DiscoverYour Kids Don’t Suck: Cultivating Closeness with your Kids through Non-Coercive, Conscious ParentingOne Family's Turnaround: Risky Teen Behavior, a Blended Family, & a Choice that Changed Everything
One Family's Turnaround: Risky Teen Behavior, a Blended Family, & a Choice that Changed Everything

One Family's Turnaround: Risky Teen Behavior, a Blended Family, & a Choice that Changed Everything

Update: 2024-06-07


Alesandra Rodriguez, Mom of 4 kids in a blended family, joins Rythea and Cara to discuss risky teen behaviors and tells the powerful story of a radical turnaround with her fourteen year old daughter.

Alesandra shares her journey of coming to the non-coercion mindset through Rythea’s support group and plunging her and her family into this counter-culture philosophy that has opened up and changed the whole family system. She explains her history of growing up under a fundamentalist Christian household, seeing spanking as the norm, and being lost in authoritarian patterns which led her to shift to a parenting reality she had never known or seen.

This heartening and uplifting story serves as a beacon of hope for parents seeking a more respectful and compassionate approach to raising their children in challenging environments. This is a must listen if you have a teens or tweens!


It’s important and essential to put our voices (Rythea and Cara) in a context. We are two white, cis-gender, straight, middle-class women living with financial and societal privilege. Because of this, our perspectives are limited and do not reflect the realities of all our listeners. This podcast will feature guests with expertise around conscious parenting who differ in gender, race, class, abilities, sexual orientation, and histories from us, to broaden the conversation and reflect the lives of as many people as possible. 25% of the proceeds of this podcast will go to creators of color who have been mentors and influences on our work and in our growth as parents. You can donate to this podcast by going to

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One Family's Turnaround: Risky Teen Behavior, a Blended Family, & a Choice that Changed Everything

One Family's Turnaround: Risky Teen Behavior, a Blended Family, & a Choice that Changed Everything